Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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Past, present and future is only a brief moment of God\'s face, and at this moment we manage to survive all my life. Time and space, proximity and distance is random and there is circumstantial
only in our minds. Imagination they can all be converted, and the existence of visideālākajā form.
Viewpoints invents radicals. When they grow old, they take over the Conservatives.
Democracy is just a dream, as well as Arcadia, Santa Claus, and Heaven.
cult heroes in America are extraordinarily developed, but the characters are always selected from among criminals.
Most people actively interested in the whole world, except what is really worth knowing.
Journalism is organized lying, gossip.
Give yourself an excuse for journalism in the famous Darwin\'s survival of mediocrity law.
Much can be said of modern journalism defense.
What is the difference between journalism and literature? Journalism is not worth reading, but literature is not read.
a great book cheap costs can be wonderful, but a great human costs low is completely intolerable.
I never neceļoju without their diaries, but must be at hand for something sensational, to read
the train.
Critic calling is to educate readers
the artist\'s vocation is to educate the critic.
writers wrote books in the past, but gave readers. Now the books written by readers and does not read any.
Our sole responsibility to history - rewrite it constantly.
Life imitates Art far more than Art - Live.

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