Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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woman who is able to maintain her husband\'s love and who loves him herself, has done everything in the world of women and calls may be required.
Love is something more striking than the art.
love - a passion for youth, the sense - as an adult, a sense of duty - age.
Elderly believe everything, the middle-aged people all the questions, but the new ones - all of it.
love doing because it does not sin.
Love to forgive all sins, but not a sin against love.
heart for a person first begins to delude himself and then with that trick the other.
mystery of love is much deeper than the full mystery of the death of a miracle.
a faithful know only the bright side of love, and adultery - and tragedy.
other dramas always seem unbearably banal.
only relish the marriage is that it makes the fraud necessary to complete both sides.
nothing so much as the novel does not prevent excessive sense of humor, a woman and her lack of a man.
I like men with a future and women of the past.
married woman in love is great. Married men even dreams of the unsuspecting.
love a woman into ruins, twenty years of marriage makes him like a public building.

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