Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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philosophical system collapses, religion falling one after the other as the dead leaves fall, but what is beautiful is eternal treasures and - for all time.
Those who watch things from both sides, usually do not see any of them.
God in creating man, somewhat overestimated his forces.
Imagination is all spiritual and material lives. . . Light of the world is the imagination. Imagination created a world, but world fails to understand why the imagination is simply an expression of love, but love is love and the ability to distinguish one human being on the other.
If a woman is fascinating, her gender is not a means of defense, but a challenge.
Do you know how much women\'s curiosity? Almost as big as men.
gentleman is a man who never cause offense another accident.
man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love.
Young men want to be faithful, but are not; old men want to be unfaithful, but unable to.
woman has an amazing intuition: they are able to solve almost everything except the obvious.
woman is completely satisfied with myself unless look ten years younger than his daughter.
Do not trust a woman who does not hide his years. Not shy away from a woman to say anything.
any woman should accurately treat my age. It looks like a calculation.
created for her love, but not to understand.
Forgiveness is a woman\'s mission.

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