Oscar Wilde
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Poems / Oscar Wilde

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Man is a reasonable animal who always loses patience when he makes a reasonable deal.
Selfishness is not living as man himself wants, but to make others live as they wish.
Giving advice is never wise, but good advice can pay the employer\'s life.
all can survive, except death.
truth ceases to be true, which it believes more than one person.
human suffering begins to see and understand what before he neither saskatījis nor understood.
Even the richest man is not able to redeem their past.
Which is absorbed by his past, deserve a future.
After the first glass you see things just the way you want to see them, after the second glass you see things as they are not. Finally you see things as they really are, and it is the most troublesome
the world.
can become a better person - it is hypocrisy, but a man can become deeper, but it\'s just a privilege of the victim.
human suffering begins to see what the past he neither saw nor understood. Human suffering begins to treat his past quite a different point of view.
When a card, which guarantees a victory - must play fair.
is painful to speak the truth. More painful is when you are forced to hide it.
moment of repentance is the starting point. More
more - repenting man transforms his
past. Also hidden in the soul of the animal
instincts, and the moments when the flesh becomes
Vanity - the last refuge of failure.

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