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Poems /

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Happiness can exist unnoticed, however, it is often able to understand only when the next disaster was.
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Anyone who wants to get the sweet fruit of life, your happiness jādēsta apple tree itself.
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man can be happy in the moment when the whole world suffers.
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Happiness is the completeness.
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build happiness buildings, the greatest number should leave the waiting room.
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Happiness presents real value when it is already gone.
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Happiness is sometimes the most beautiful feathers decorate just stupid hat.
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Happiness, just shy favorite, although keen bestows his favor, however, makes for the fight.
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happiest is the one who made the happiness of the greatest possible number of people.
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Happiness is doubtful and transient unquestionable and eternal duty.
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To be perfectly happy, happiness is not enough to get - it needs to earn.
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Happiness rarely descends so low as to become a genius līdzgaitnieci.
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Greed and happiness is never encountered, so it is not surprising that they do not know each other.
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Love is like a soup, a hot spoon first, last - too cold.
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Ninety percent live skills were up to meet with the ability to completely unbearable for people.
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