Love poetry
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Poems / Love poetry

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BIRCH beau

As a child with a birch mess fear
As a child with fine twigs Perth,
concerns birch path now wait
As if further to go without it is not worth it.
As if it was you served his father\'s hand,
It is as if you drop it brings joy,
Every day, on purpose street crossings,
Where to Jumpto birch one panicle cards.
While they are flying in the wind over your head high -
Is it cold, or a white sun sveļ -
Suddenly you feel - and you can alkaini
Green fringes of thy shoulders affected.

Here I see the leaves Riga.
In the countryside, traveling to the countryside.
Hairstyle and girly
Already the wind was curling confusing.

Here I see the fields come -
As a tributary flowing and flowing.
And filled as full of dishes
Already trams ready to break.

Here I see as a move to Riga.
There are lakes in the eyes of another,
And face so brūnganīgā
Another glowing breath of fields.

Here I see the leaves fields.
More kissing, hand-households,
But in my mind for grassland plants
And trees around them replaced.
Oh, Riga, you droning, sounding,
Thank you, that I stop prevents
And in the summer heat tvanošā
I put the sea to his lips.

Wind blown centenary eaves accelerated.
As soon as morning comes sunset!
And Peter\'s cock as unwise
I have a complete soul screams.

Your strings - a thousand street
Dim as a giant lute.
But you have been the midnight hour -
Svēla charcoal. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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