Love poetry
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Poems / Love poetry

Page : 3

How simple life! How simple life!
Jobs. Family. Public voice and support.
I am busy - as in the autumn cabbage grater.
But the soul wither and cold.

Youthful friend says wisely:
-It is a rare art - feel. . . -
Shame as the red ant
I would be lost in the woods.

But Antiņš - so easy living
And diamond horse jumps.
Oh, I miss the mane flying in
Dreams and feel the weight of the shoulder!

Your dance I turn to the people
Your dance I\'m beautiful,
Magic shoe me in the leg-of-bounds,
Lightning in the hands of KAIST.

But when I got tired of your rhythm,
But if savdaba joy digested,
Support for neighboring maple,
Distant nations to uguniu sveļ.

I refer to your dance, folk,
Your dance I\'m beautiful.
Here musicians singing, playing flute and psaltery,
KAIST soul.
old garden, green garden of childhood!
I also hid the apple.
Untended, overgrown, pusaizmirsts, bar. . .
Only the father has come here - tough as a branch.

Old garden! Winds persists for more buzz.
How many times collide bare feet!
Ask thee, sweet is that bitter.
Site glow cast Brazos, Pluk my garden.
I commend you,
awry, crooked, thick, clumsy, pūcīgie, robust
men and the pašassievas,

because otherwise I do not lawful,
or they would not,
or they would NOT;

I-drop, you - well,
I-brēkulis, you - the cradle of
I-\"bone of your bone.\"
sun over fields, houses and woods. . .
Small eternal,
Short-lived village!

Go to the sons of the city - near and strange. . .
Your wind flax flower
Will carry them. . .

Mateuss was red, he murdered a neighbor-
John and Domeniks that the Germans \"flew\"
and as if still living in America;

Anton first parish joined the agricultural
Artel, was chairman, either on a hundred things growls;
Alois, the new Artel cashier, robbed on the way from Balvi
and lowered his thugs;

Constantine - underground Doctor\'s name rang
republic: the feuilleton was their \"fight\";
Joseph drowned in the cup;
Stanislav, built by a farmer working the mountains, walking
pipe. . .
Ruse oaks and maples Previously a,
Top of the flying lapsnenes. . .
Dung hollow white-haired prize Park
Wolf\'s ears, I listen to it.

Evening. Night. Morning over the lake sweat.
I want to jsut where the award of the soul.
Who knows - pagursui roam the streets,
It is hidden away in the right here?

And maybe it will become mine
When the leaves will get sick of the foot to delete.
Do not hide that I want exactly
Once through the autumn park I go to.
Steep Hills, tillage lean
Severity hissed: - Where will go!

You made us jāar, you have to be brought us,
You have to sing here as rapids lake. -

Retorted: - Why should the blind?
Elsewhere, the nicer you are to me up to his neck!

-Go, now! Go, then! - Nošalca land.
-Go, now! Go, then! - Dune shovel.

Realizing - my soul long kurta
Strange fire: go, but where?

We need this corner as a young bird-cherry,
Need a corner of this man\'s wife.
seems - motionless face of the sun
And clouds of white. . .
How important is such a slow time
If you want to mow and grind!

This is the time when the grain of the ear becomes
Maybe you feel tall.
But lightning has tūcēs breaks -
Copper ores and grain.
Blessed grandfather garden
where my children to graze!

The legs will become strong
like iron.

Muscle and piebriedīs gurkstēs,
shoulders tumble.

Jozmeņi tension
the tires.

Blessed be his grandfather\'s garden,
where my children to graze!

Blessed grandfather\'s garden,
where my children graze!

Berzēdami sleep from his eyes trace,
mornings they caurskrien white birch wall.

Cracked feet
Reminds wind folded brown heads.

Neraustiet beak, and as long beards of moss
a gnarled oak crusty bark!

Savaikstās tearful faces:
Where did you atskrējāt,
My rapid board?
Or from apple green,
Or from the forest songs noisy?

Or from the walls, narrow streets,
New House array?
Or sofa beds from the pond,
Or from the exquisite dream of arrows?

What broke head, dear Father?
Here we are - give the hand,
Total life in leukemia,
Takes real place!

Come Check the childhood
through low atmiņlogu
and the smile on ērmībām,
and make eyes at hand -

what a brilliant day iezibas
with a light sun boats,
how many lives were so hard right
all gaining the courage naive!

Only courage
Not to lose.

Dispensed with the means of his soul,

And nerēķināties with the
By one - waiting for others, coarser, - is required.

Take your pain

Is it so

Green Earth -
Jūnijsaules kiss.
Thank you whispering it,
Rye steaming.

Rye bread nuts,
Debesjums calm,
Sweat, work and pleasure-

Green winds roam.
Rye promise
As the rain falls
Pair of us.

Gulls - shining wind rider,
Networks - simtači wave imperial. . .
Thoughts aiztraucot, rising zvejasvīrs,
Late October the sun rises.

Your life, my father, - wave bridge,
Your day, son, - know how to grow sea draw.
Not run out of the will, the courage to not run out?
Remains in question spelled coast.

Līgojas boat, rising zvejasvīrs,
Late October the sun rises. . .
Gulls - shining wind rider,
Networks - simtači wave imperial. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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