Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Piglets that have been at the trough, be quiet, and those who have not yet, - sick squeaked.
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We all days are the same, but the country Sunday is the golden color. There, there is only the sun.
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book is the best friend of lonely hours. Jāmāvās not only for her to read, but well kept, because, books and more glabādami kavēdamies to them, we obtain for themselves the best friends of human spirits.
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. . . Presents the most beloved of the same option.
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birdie at least once a year, cleaned their nest.
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Poverty is like climbing a foot upwards. . .
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The best air is where you were born and raised in the air, which are iezīdis breast milk.
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child\'s cradle are flying hoot against future mountains. Youth renew our thoughts. Her hunch is finer, it hears the future steps.
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deepest and finest feelings can sometimes be just a light touch, the passing touch.
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Major artists are just there, where the community is pleased to art. Artists are only makers. It is flame people.
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Their misfortune, who writes quickly, is there that they can not write briefly.
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dievekļus of snow, and weep when they melt.
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Only evil people are afraid of evil.
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In life there is nothing better than personal experience.
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Long tongue sown hatred between neighbors and nations.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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