Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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Even if the world turn away from Christ to Christ will not come into, turning away from the world.
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Swan of water. Swan without water is just a goose.
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not hard to love Christ, who gave his life for us. But the love with them his word that poisons our lives. . .
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If paradise is within yourself, then you never will not get it.
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silence go, go as a hero.
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You start to smoke, to show you are a man! What are the thirty years for the same reason, try to quit smoking.
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idler slinkošanas not appreciate the amenities. It is and will remain hard-working people pay.
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homework, teachers aim to students, but is hit by their parents.
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I read the Penal Code and the Bible. The Bible is a tragic book. Maybe the same cruel ever written.
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Most importantly, be happy doing, is the realization that what you need.
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educated differ from the uneducated people with the fact that your education never be considered complete.
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man who all his life always and everywhere to blame others rather than themselves, to some extent, is unhappy.
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Only one woman in ten is made of honey.
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difficult to force people to understand something, if not understanding of it depends on his earnings.
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Whoever correct my mistakes are my teacher, one who correctly show my good works, is my friend, one who flatter me, is my enemy.
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Poems /

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