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Poems /

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Fairness pleases, even if the penalty.
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Sometimes we tell a lie to pretend better than we are. Sometimes, because the truth is not beneficial, that it hurts. Also, because the lie is more comfortable.
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Excitement, interest in a particular branch of science, the fine attention to the ears may reduce one\'s horizons, but at the same time make one complete, give meaning to his life.
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not have any grudge is harmful. Jealousy can sometimes be the adi motives that make people bigger, cleaner, paciešamāku. I envy the poet who writes verses, which strikes, or a good novelist. . . This makes us the envy of the students. . . forced to pull, make us better, demanding the same protocol itself.
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wisest words nepadzirdīs thirsty as they watered a jug of water.
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Heaven does nothing for those people who do not take.
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better to have a simple and honest than a clever and false.
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How horrible can be a mind, if it does not serve the people.
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Foolish language ahead of thought.
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Do not sink the name, the club will not help.
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Eat to live, not live to eat!
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mind to see the light instead of darkness, the whole soul jānovēršas of changing the world, until the eye can perceive reality and supreme luxury, we called on the right. Thus, there may be an art that aims to do so.
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Any person, being a slave to the satisfaction of, corrupts their body and soul.
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Marry, in spite of everything. Occur if a good wife,\'d be an exception if the poor - will become a philosopher.
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no shame do not know, but - not to want to know.
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Poems /

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