Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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the bran rarely miss a hawk nest.
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Raksturodami other people, how we describe ourselves.
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night encouraged regular, small day care begins to rage, to grow and azsprosto way for us to sleep in the kingdom.
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. . . who does nothing, there is little need.
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People praise threads entangle us, and the man turns on the road, tearing neuzdrošinādamies Weak restraint.
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child\'s character - the growing nature of the core, all the well later\'\' education is nothing more than layers: primitive crystal form remains unchanged.
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Force has only active and active people, lazy always tend to be powerless.
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main secret to keep the mood fun, is - let little things disturb us and at the same time appreciate the fine pleasures in life happen to us.
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fun people fun place ourselves in the world, gloomy man a gloomy place ourselves in the world.
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Livslust is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective means for escaping the disease.
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In life there are only two ways: decomposing and burning. Fearful and greedy selects the first, brave and selfless - the second.
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Everything a person does depends on his ethics.
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toe boots, look over the horizon.
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Our strength restricts the fear of failure.
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Large view, deep, strong feelings need a bright expression.
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Poems /

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