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Poems / Good-quotes

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Fame is when you know people that you do not want to know.
. . . I wanted to Latvian nation as a stand up with German and other nations. For it was necessary first of all, that the more trained and educated in Latvian men were inseparable from his people, but to openly admit their nation members and forces her to donate, t. i. Actively takes part in the folk-lift, both spiritual and material terms.
māmuliņa Nature is an excellent teacher spiritually. She is rich in all sorts of objects, which arouses our curiosity and urge them to carefully consider and research. It invites us to the nature of amateur activities and sharpens our minds.
natural science and natural science distribution up to the lower classes of people is a weapon through which my faith in the snake\'s face several times, and knowing ourselves, our lives in the middle, through which this can truly become crackers.
The reality is nothing more than an illusion, but so powerful and ubiquitous that it no one can resist.
to stand up for their views can only be, if you know how to mention it.
philosophy ultimately absurd, but some are absurd than others.
The clergy can be anyone who believes that it is better for the neighborhood.
Church denies reasonable conclusions by pretending that they are defending, and seek to impose their views of all those with enough mind to find the true cause.
conscience is so well brought up that quickly paid no attention on those who disobey it.
go too far, followed by a sense, then came to the conclusion that is far from common sense.
Silence is a characteristic which respected the most. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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