Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Poems / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Page : 5
people - only a substitute, people mostly know and feel much better than that expresses the thoughts and knowledge.
hypotheses are variations that teachers ieaijā their students.
will be much easier than finding the truth. Error usually lies on top, but the truth - deep inside, and not everyone has to be aizrakties.
There is nothing more dangerous than a fool who tries to pretend to be smart.
It is easier to detect deception than finding the truth, the illusion of life in the surface, the truth lies in its depths.
thinking, note, feeling, and believing otherwise called tentacles, with which a person will feel the universe will always be interacting. Only then will we be able to fulfill my calling.
No one has more than a slave to it, who consider themselves free, one will not.
Only one evil is incurable: when a nation abandons hope to themselves.
Everything that happens to us, leaves a trace, all subtly promotes our development, but his desire for accountability is dangerous. Either we start to become lazy and vainly, or devotion discouragement and wrestling with the same deleterious effects as the old one. The safest is to take the necessary daily tasks. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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