St. John's rhymes
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Poems / St. John's rhymes

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adore walked the track
Right on Midsummer Eve:
White skirt back,
White rod hand.
You, adore, a white horse,
Apjāj my rye field.
Janita rode midsummer night
Rang out, žvadzēdams;
Fuck, Janita, realizes
Apjāj my barley field;
When atjāsi another year,
I\'ll give a sweet barley beer.
Janita drove all year round
Well arrived at home;
Race, Janita, yard
Cut round his waist,
To grow in our fields of rye,
Turning Vērpelēs.
Good evening, father of St. John\'s,
Kumeliņš his saddle,
Apjāj rye, barley apjāj,
Apjāj all tīrumiņus.
, Janita, grizzled horse
Apjāj all labībiņu,
To grow the labībiņa
As Janice hat.
, Janita, a black horse,
Apjāj your tīrumiņu:
Is it purely a garden,
Is there a product edge.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my rye field
Izmin grass, izmin bears,
To clean up my rye.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj my tīrumiņus,
Izmin usnes, izmin medicine
To clean up labībiņa.
Oh, Jānīti, the Son of God,
Apjāj my rye field
Cover my rye field
Gray spikelet.
, Janita, Mello horse
Apjāj my tīrumiņus;
How many steps, the quotes,
Take Jānīti, Melli horse
Apjāj my rye field:
Yesterday was a big storm,
Nemaitāja or flowers.
Take Jānīti, Melli zierg,
Apjāj my tīumiņs,
To grow vārpatiņas
My father zemites.
Jem, Jōneit, SERM zyrgu,
Apjōj vysu teirumeņu,
Apjoj vysu teirumeņu,
Los\' vōrpeņas hayloft,
Where nūkūsta where nūgrīzta,
Where ganeņu nūganeita.
Take Jānīti, a black horse,
Apjāj their tīrumiņus,
Let in your own kumeliņu
Red apples.
John\'s father\'s yard;
Cut, God, rye barley
John\'s father\'s field. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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