St. John's songs - throwing grass lairage!
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Poems / St. John's songs - throwing grass lairage!

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John\'s mother, John\'s mother,
Give me your livestock laideriņu:
I am tired hands,
John halls wearing.
Come out, John\'s mother,
I will tell you krejumzāles:
Puss, Janco, bolderjāņi,
This is good krejumzāles.
Come, see, John\'s mother,
I had three halls of John:
One of the milk and one kreima,
The third sūkaliņu clean.
All came, all bore
The drug did not bring;
I came, I brought
Three Birkavs butter product.
Good evening, mother of St. John\'s,
Have been waiting for John to have children?
How Herbal nastiņā,
So calf lairage.
I threw baltābolu
John\'s mother lairage,
Laimīte went to pick up,
By apple laipodama.
Children should read
Baltābola Hill,
John Saplūkuši medicine
Bear cattle feedlot,
Bear cattle feedlot,
Give our telītēm.
John Beni, John\'s children,
Are doing their old court:
Mother to give medicine,
Gotiņa to grow big.
John Hall,
What brought John\'s children
John\'s mother received
Telītēm fed.
kids cold,
John lasīdami flowers;
High-flung celebration medicine.
Heifers to grow big.
Matt medicine feedlot,
For heifers vaislojas:
How Herbal, so heifers
St. John\'s mother lairage.
Flowers threw a feedlot,
John līgojot night,
Heifers to a patchwork of plant
Ziedainām feet;
How many flowers, so heifers
St. John\'s mother lairage.
reaping the benefits of grass source
The sketch cattle feedlot,
To me Kupa \'gosniņas
As the grass supply.
plucked, daughter, baltābolu,
Met heifers lairage:
What a bunch of herbs,
So heifers lairage.
high warp Jāņu medicine
Heifers to large plant,
Heifers to large plant,
To the regiment feeds. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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