St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice
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Poems / St. John's songs - a beautiful wife Janice

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swayed two alone,
Where we will get the third?
Bridīsam over the river,
There, we will get the third:
Will there be a Pole, or will Leitis,
Have a great father\'s son.
-old mother, māmuliņas,
Help me sing!
A new subsidiary, zeltenītes,
Behind the boys could not.
New guys come,
John did not know how the songs;
Or lambs came from stealing
Or piglets kviecināt?
what they are children of St. John\'s,
Nelīgoja, did not speak?
They had a mother izpērusi,
Gate vadīdama.
čīksti, nave,
You have nothing on the good fellow;
I sang, I sounded,
Jānītis helped me.
what they are John\'s children,
Neither the songs nor the language;
I sang, I sounded
About nine novadiņi.
Come hither, come hither,
Līgotāji her hand;
If you back and nenāksiet,
We have not go forth.
Subsidiary John celebrated
Already yesterday, day before yesterday;
Guys šķelmi nedaudzina
Neither Janice evening.
Softly, softly these folks,
Quiet was accustomed to:
Neither knew of John Day,
Neither Janice dinner.
Čīkstēdama, vaidēdama
Ķīvitiņa ran into the air;
It čīkstēja Midsummer children
St. John\'s songs neprazdami.
Aplīgoju your Kranci,
His large rose garden,
To Krancīša Wolf did not bring,
To nenosala roses.
What honor we drink,
The song sing;
John\'s honor either drink
John sing a song.
due Midsummer children
Ienaidiņu lift:
Sing a song, what is the
Not that I have created for.
little children \'me, kovārnīni,
All through lindrucīni;
When John came day
All marten cap,
All marten cap,
All lynx kažocīni.
midsummer night clothes
Half white, half black,
To me growing up telēniņi
Half white, half black. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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