John Short poems
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Poems / John Short poems

Page : 5
Back, John Day,
Having not known for coming:
Neither the mother of cheese sowing,
No Karasu plikšināja.
Aizamirsa, aizamirsa
Midsummer\'s Day not a suspect;
Siesim scent of cheese,
Let us keep John\'s Day.
Aisamirsu, aisamirsu
St. John\'s, the Agreement;
Siesim cheese scent
Līgosim Pēterdienu.
Do not come, do not come Midsummer\'s Day,
Still I did not expect you to:
My wife is cold,
Three coats the back.
New guys, new subsidiary
John did not wait for the day
Needles peers, building combs,
If they are waiting for John\'s day.
guy waiting midsummer night
Subsidiary just did not expect:
Rose gardens neravēti,
The nettles grew.
People\'s son asked me,
Once the celebration dinner;
- Do you, ačka did not know
The same celebration dinner.
Midsummer Fields, St. John\'s Meadows,
Their days waiting for;
When you came to St. John\'s Day,
All flowers seģenītes.
I was able to enjoy:
Ziedēj \'meadow ziedēj\' nora,
Ziedēj \'all mežmalītes.
John\'s children did not know
What are the real John medicines:
Pumpatenes, rūpatenes
Or the \'other nazālītes.
Midsummer children lamenting,
What kind of spread to St. John\'s medicine.
- Reaping papriekšu papardīti,
Then Gretel, vībotnīti.
From Janice asked
What kind of spread to St. John\'s Hall.
- Pulls ahead buldurjāni,
Then the red clover.
Who is the flower meadow,
Where can nurses went over?
Since Janice flower meadow
What pļaun Midsummer Eve.
the way nopēdoja
Basajāmi stands for?
John nopēdoja children,
John lasīdami medicine.
I think I took care,
What Pļaviņu nosliedēja,
John nosliedēja children,
John lasīdami medicine. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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