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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 6
November fog

Your eyes are covered by sod layer
Your heart Latvian land-
Happy! Neither you no longer hear or see -
How about your sacrifice death
Surrey exile in the wilderness dog-
They are your brothers.

Happy! Your new life,
Your faith hot and safe and
Burned the victim\'s pure flame.
There was furious sword tip,
As for his brother\'s bare chest
Today, rising dirty hand.

Dusi-calm, Latvian soil
Keep your eye sight,
Keep your deaf heart
Another one battle. Happy

From all points of the compass severe winds are rising,
Black disappear field of view and a wet forest sobbed.
Coming off his brother, hatred has become a stranger,
And heart vērmeļainā bitterness over sveļas.
Where the voice of the light will be called?
Where the words of salvation?
There are only heath, naked, burnt the road
Morning and night without wai

Where the voice of light called? Where the words of salvation?
This fool-bells pland flag next to the mast,
There\'s a lone-mother crying quotient of the burnt coast,
But here we stand, crowd-, bitter heart.
Oh, once at midnight Oh, listen, and hear:
Called him a bank,
Quietly called your name

the dark

There\'s an abandoned mother crying quotient of the burnt bank,
We-love vārdm heart is locked shut.
Where we go we will be destroying the sickle burden?
Overgrown path back to the path of such a forward-
There\'s no place to go. -


Do not hate us quite yet, not quite the laundry?
Sink into sweet land of blood and smoke.
Who live here, brother, you\'re harsh day ties,
When you seek back their way?
-Called him a shore,
Shame your name will be called. .

this side

Dienakts one of many,
Throughout the life of a little
To further once you redzēdu,
You land, now ravaged slum and debris,
The life that once gave me.

Lying in the sea between us,
Lying unfathomable harsh,
And the deep heart baigumā silent.
But I do not allow anxiety gruzdīgs
Not live, not die this side.

I Ai toward the day-
My thoughts, feelings and mind.
Dreadful night I hear-
His party called me one.

I walk toward the hour-
Everything else has come and gaist.
How sad I want to wind
His soul toward the placing.

I\'m going to get lost in the moment-
Lord, put me on a new born!
A single bank and the edge
Where can I come and peacefully.

I Ai toward the day-
My thoughts, feelings and mind.
Dreadful night I hear-
His party called me one.

I walk toward the hour-
Everything else has come and gaist.
How sad I want to wind
His soul toward the placing.

I\'m going to get lost in the moment-
Lord, put me on a new born!
A single bank and the edge
Where can I come and peacefully.

Your Heart

Evening, the Board of Directors, you will raugies heavy
From the large, deep, driving at night,
Your heart will be heard in each of my steps.

Despair, desolation heavy,
Hopelessness of the quotient of the burnt hill
Your heart will be able to see all of my work.

Infinity, we make the death,
And who lives in CBR to pull a short sleep, the mother-
My heart to quiet conversation.

Three Nights
All the same axis - the thought of cutting peaks,
All the same depth - that night and my vientulīgums.
There is only darkness and cry:
- Fear!
I have a fear.
Water and dry stone bitter -
My soul bread.
All the same axis -
Low-tilted head.
I blindly feel, and know:
Here is my path.
I know how monstrous reflection of their own -
These naked eye, thorns and ravines -
There\'s self-starter.

We\'re going.
sorrows, joys and sorrows.
Pleasures, sometimes laughing,
but go and go.
Friends coming - go to the enemies
while we love
soon have redundant
crying and semjam,
but all the time
going, going and going. . .
Cradles of life and Cemetery -
all go passed.
Often, where the laugh - cry,
where cry - laugh,
but again goes on and on we go. -

Let\'s go and go,
and finally
gurst heart, weary feet. -
Comes friends - comes foes,
either all the redundant
something move does not stop -
yet here we are not home.

We\'re going, going and going,
en seeing Gourde:
may remain at the edge. . .
This procession is over.

We\'re going, going and going. . .

Theyâ Were long gone -
Gear wavy sand backs
Miss dessert AKACIS
Oase and dry,
Aizsapņu the land
All The Time klanīdami
tired head
badīgos dreams
dzeldīgās and Thirst-
Aizsapņu the ground.

Theyâ HAD gone this long-
sasarkušam eyes
And dream hide plakstienos Gourde,
laj only miss
The first moment,
When The horizontal pazibēs
Aizsapņu land
Distant lights. -

If you give yourself away
then unexpectedly no longer
back from this place.
Your thirst, pain and pleasure,
will be overflown far
take you far away
from old pain
and places.

All marine, river and strata
catchment-time in one place
hard back vērties,
difficult to go forward:
age-old, fierce thirst
hold you close.
Gold Dust
With key heavy and bright
We shut the gates,
the way to the proximity of ver.
But not my soul,
not yours
more of sand weighs,
which maybe
gold dust lying. . .
But the long, long time,
scalp furious currents,
aizšūpos waters, deep and quiet
entice AKACIS blind.
-Better coverage, Better coverage of this dream,
because nothing is not over:
life is as long or as short-,
the suffering and love,
and it\'s all one.
sand and gold dust
plaksieniem the quiet,
by love.
Birds autumn tree
My fingers touching the tree,
and the leaves turn clear-
so mild green tendrils
cling to the branches of your hands.
-Is the autumn Velaines torment
hours will be endless?
My fingers touching the tree,
and tremble at it roots in caves,
warm currents of the death of frost
part of the turf-
God\'s breath is both,
and flowing through a tree
salūšm pages
stingušiem and twigs
which the birds fold wings
dreaming of spring. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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