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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 5
I stand
You make me holy, and guards,
At the same time ill and severely
Put the bow.
I stand -
Your size front floor.

Without žēlestības you have enabled life and death
Get to know me.
I stāu -
Your depth of the front floor.

As a child you my pats,
Mēmām lips would tell me stories
Deep in the hurt.
I stand - stand in front of your silence.
Mop the dark shadows of the wall,
Whirling laughter, profanity sounding voice.
Knocking noise disappearing steps naked Plieno,
Dard falling gates - the darkness and the night.

Souls winds me just caught my breath -
- Where your words made me save?
Harsh lie staggered space
- Fall asleep, nemosties anymore.

Lunkana, glubena viper
Lod along the trail,
Were so hard and bitterly lie
Roll side by side.

Viper, brought the ball,
Heating up and fight:
Saltajās blood is silent

- Wanderer, picks up a stick!
Your soul
Perhaps the reptile smooth
Cleaner Nava.

Someone with a blunt knife
My fucker wants.
Words, detailed and small,
Evil dzeldami flashing.

OK. I will suffer all.
Also, pain is pleasure,
Today, with the sun dzisu
I am a solitary charts.

To the long-rot
Everything turns into beauty.
I\'ve slowly become
Fool himself and the king.

As recorded in your face?
I quickly eyes covered,
In the smile that you\'ve got lips trembling,
I fear, the fear I see.

Is a rock beat Tiwi
That night I waited in ignorance and fear,
Or shall be paid by me again, a terrible and bitter?
Or again Dobby calls dunes towers,
Or thoughts waver as sparks in dark boxes
And I will not leave it charging, not asked?
I was shaking with fear. But came to its quiet
With a sad indifference cool star sparkles.
How to calm a child that night I had a shower,
In the eyes of his sight I vērties tired
They are immaculate and sublime face.

sand dunes
My heart is a sand dune
Every moment that changes and descending.
The sun is burning. Winds come and go.
Since pine shelter heating up.

You ever parliecies it over,
Your face turned ass
I think - no, forever and ever
It does not delete anything.
These signs neizjauks winds
Neither the steps they will be able to fill up,
And my eyes in the sun
Well, another will no longer see.

But slowly raining sand wave
And gradually buried on everything.
I fear I feel - your name soon
In these sands will be extinct.

Words will mēm and redundant
Silence loud and sharp.
Moment falls away
Hard as the tears

Words are evil and difficult
Silence considerate and good,
Kept in the dark all
True to the grave.

Insidious is water radiance
Couples in the depths of flies,
Whirl, ravenous and spoken,
Dark abyss of living.

Insidious is a calm smile,
Frame that reflects the face -
Anxiety painful and ass
Elpš and blood walk

Do not believe the nice words
Hear that implied Klis.
Stone, fallen into the heart
Apaugsn moss and lying.


From my hands žvadzot shackles fall,
Again, I go to free God\'s sun,
And every flower in every single face,
I can smile without fear
Verga song

-Thy shoulders covered with royal purple,
My feet palte blood.
How noble, how rich yavs house
My lucky sir!

You Waza gold on the chest,
I have a cold hand close restraint. . .
How stately, how great your house,
My mighty sir!

Thy purple, your gold, your power-
Your desperation
How do I guard you,
How do you do to
Your power to bring the gravity?
My poor Mr.


It was night and putenoja. Elsa in the dark winds
The snow crisis mingled with thy tears.
You pieglaudies wood and leaves could not
In all the roads were waterlogged.

How do you protect? I did not have enough strength,
And a furious whirlwind hit us in one breath.
But the winds stājoities, I knew my-heart
With thy grief will always be marked,


This hour behind you all-
You will no longer house nevārstīt dure.
Frosty wind suddenly pulled away from the windows
And deleted the fire.

Your life separated the top two parts:
Were either home-sky and roads.
By those still dreaming to roam your heart,
Twilight will come up against you like.

And yet you tremble atmozdamies,
-What lies in the heart like a hand?
-It is a serious and eternal shadow that goes
You have until the flowering tree.


So they went off-
The man behind the man, probably his way.
So they went to death. -

So they went off-
The man behind the man, probably winning idea
That we might live.
Ten red raven

Ten red raven Kraucs new oak branches,
Ten owls glūn scourge of blindness in the eyes of hate,
-Where we are nurse-led
What say?

Ten red raven Kraucs accidents message
Over the sorrow-land, destruction of the mountain, down to the bone,
There\'s little sister took us,
Night shaded face.

Ten red ravens new oak branches and pseudo-
-How you die the death of the nation, long years of misery? Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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