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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 4
Where to find your proximity?
Wind of adversity soggy twig.
Signs volatile understand
Together with the spirit you want.

Easy and vizmainā snow
Traces can be seen -
You into a dreamy sleep
Trembling soul touches.

Or a dream my steps go,
Where in deep sleep in peace?
There\'s a moment to linger griibu
And again go quietly.

Pat on my breath will become
You have touched the forehead,
And your sad face will
That light pielijuši.

Slender birch leans over me,
New birch so white and quiet,
I walk into a vicious forest,
Where birds and soul lying.

Green branch entwined my shoulder,
And dizzy uzguļas lascivious.
I forget the vicious forest,
To neatmostos anymore.

to home
I emu path you have under your feet,
I\'m in heaven for you.
At home, the home
I shoot you.

You go and get relaxed and happy
I watched all quiet.
The road is so light and small -
We slide towards the house.

- Dear. . . I said to you quietly,
But you did not hear it.
I was confused as
Lielaa of joy emerged.

The whole world was burning in flames
The whole horizon staggered slowly
We went, we went so quietly,
Consequently, we became two of the shadows -

Ability to glory iedzēstām shadows.

- Dear. . . I said to you q
Lovers song
I\'m thirsty you,
I am calm, but regardless.
Trembling moon, submerged in a stream,
I am your peace zūdu all
My Honey evil tyavs frail.

I have an insatiable drinker,
When Riz will be peace and quite?
Maybe when you\'ll be the sea,
And there on the ship g
Slowly aizzogas coast,
Leave us the people and God,
Two long as we are on the island
Torrid šūpojamies.
Where else is a deeper shower?
Where else can sapņaināks sleep?
Mountain wind over my fence,
Caress your calm and gentle.
More distant murmur of the sea,
Waves of deep-sounding voice:
Instead, this site apurtā
Beginning and end of life.

Top darkness of his sight, and hear the silence -
I feel your heart with his heart.
Iron breath sharply. Kiss of death hurts.
I feel your heart with his heart.
Rising above the moon. Light in a dark drink.
I disappear in your hands tonight.
On my chest and splitting Hill Bruk -
I disappear in your hands tonight.

My Beloved
Black raven wings dark blue cul
There are evening and midnight removed over.
Nemostas my beloved, my beloved sleep.

Black raven on the chest nometies Kraucs,
Too close to the sky, the distant land -
My beloved in a dream my name is called.

Black raven tonight my soul
There are pick up and release the swept it away.
I do not know darling, he laughs sleep.

Kiss your lips closed
Saiga and rīgts,
Killed sought-after,
Killed asked.

Killed noplūts
Bitter fruit of the top
Ever neatplaukst
Fragrant and alive.

The alien had a mouth,
Stranger still had a stroke,
At the same time with a kiss
Uzgūlās curse.

Heart to see you
Longed vigorous
You find yourself
Could not the same.

Skūsts became a lie
Aizcirzdams closed
Fist, which slowly
Was jājiet.
You were among the most lively live here.
You breathe your breath I Mullsjoe
And I felt her trembling speed pulse
When you touched my hand serene.
Your caress awoke me from sleep,
And I with thee will no longer felt weak
Because your kisses grew strength

And then I dreamed - you were dead.
I slid off the dim shadow
Former voice of you unfamiliar, dull and slow
And your forehead deck stiffness frosty.
But then you Parley with light capability
And you saw, I tremble with fear:
This o\'clock dream anymore, it was life.

Well, I no longer have anything to call their own -
As the distant glow fading old morning
When still on my lips I felt your breath.

I have been here all is said and filled
I listen to the waters of either one of Brien,
Where nogrmist time aches drained,

Friend and I no longer have any left.

Brightness of the sun behind the hill dziest,
It nemodīsies morning
I want a quiet time of suffering,
For you to see.

Too late - dims aizspīdums,
The mountain shadows cover the quiet,
With ice cold strangeness of us
Nogūlusi is darkness.

Maybe it was love,
What do you passed by.
Atskaties, atskaties vēlrreiz
And smile sunset light:
How bright is burning sky,
And in which fear
You iedrebas shoulders. . .
Maybe. - Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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