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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 11
Of all the dreams are once jāatmostas,
closer to the morning light - becomes more difficult.
Solar dust, spider webs push,
and light, so light,
that flow from faith -
morning glory dries.

The closer the morning light,
the harder it becomes -
the dream last bent breaks.
Life article
DZĪPARI of white oats
Life post-
with white DZĪPARI
runs day to glory
occurs when the deep night.

DZĪPARI of white oats
Saks and shoulders bear-
perhaps the notion of eternity
see below,
Day by Haze
heart can not see.

DZĪPARI of white oats
shoulder caress-
maybe with white DZĪPARI
begins and ends
a life story.

Georgia\'s heart

Georgia\'s heart, edged debris,
iebirst as sand in the teeth-
grr. . .

Does it eat up the core to the heart,
weary difficult moments in the cage,
sand heart smiltiszobos,
grr. . .

What about sūru, crooked loads,
iebirst grumzīgs heavy heart,
izgrūzt sūru ash wrong,

Heart awry eat up debris -
Sirti sand, sand in the teeth-
Grr. . .


We run away from the truth
its midnight nightmare
gallops to get us
the sharp light
spiky rays.

How to ran away from light,
coming closer and closer?
Cover with cold pat!
and bites into the shoulder
with sharp, deadly claws.

-You know, I hurt. -
-Ha ha!
SAP was cowardly cheep.
Strong kāpij pain over
ghosts belong to the past.

-You know, I hurt. -
Tomorrow does not hurt anymore-
smirk on his climb swing!

-It is not true-
hurts the most,
which never hurt. -


Hail chopped white flowers,
black-soul in the grave.
It is falling down over the unexpected guest
unfamiliar, unrecognized veplis,
exception to the heart
into the grave.

Hail chopped white flowers,
black-soul in the grave.

Jel dreams

Oh dream of dreams dreams
put peace love and no longer breathing.
Your old dream envelops, surrounds this moment,
even when the heather wreath you viji to-
but it made our hearts cold sides slits,
love for it to delete it immediately.

Dying love, if no breathing-
dream this dream,
that was once alive
iesapņotaja it.


The sea is slowly retreating
wave on wave.
And step by step fisherman
Brien save their networks Network
and silver fish,
the beating along Zvirgzde.

And the sea Nemiga resign
further and further,
and deeper and deeper Brien fisherman
and wonder what all the
neapskauj sea depth of darkness:
there is slidienu algae overgrown stone.
a skull,
and a heart apgrausta
But the tide is rising again,
fisherman and freezes in his step,
but the depths remain
his network
a skull,
and yet the living heart of the fisherman. -

Only slowly, slowly, I wake up
Delusional of peace and a way out
morning light, where the snow
sharp height nokaj neighbors sleep
recent dreams, and sharp icicles knife
Right crabby pīksienu silenced
light cat leap.

I wake up only slowly
and tranquil light output,
where a great silence, and only zvaignes
still running around in the clouds Down
but while still in the race another race
does not stop to look for faint stars
late light and the wind still flame
heat in the snow,
and the intoxication of their songs.


Stored for each star particles,
every drop of dew hand,
to you ever nesamulstu
cold and foggy day.

Stored in every good word,
sastiekoties, goodbye,
Every time the hard to find,
to be on the way to go.

Taken every hour fervent
adopt the way of life-long
the way the moon is sometimes too late -
sagadīt the sun so that we can.

From the hours of you life
shoulders a heavy hand-assembles
only a sign of love
pairs remain.

initiation song

With the sun in the heart of life is going towards,
behind every hill waiting for a new pleasure.
Who believe in the light of the power of love,
bezdalības traveler is blessed.

With the sun in the heart of life shall have a clue
for each day comes with the dawn sun.

But what about

Around the garden jumping squirrel
and disappears akugstu tree
but so what-
and Julia
Now it would get in your hand!

This box of treats
someone hides a high-shelf
but it does nothing
and Julia
will soon be accompanied by the called!

Mog crawling deep under his bed,
the fear of moving the ears,
but so what-
and Julie
He jumped off and out of class


My thoughts dives at night
As detailed in the waves of the lake
Through the reeds, leaves and sweet flag,
Over the river sand and Ole,
Silence and rest.

You iemirkušie light,
What hide the day
We breath the same

You light slips through your fingers
Close our eyelids
Break the hair in the wind
The pain in spicy spiers,

What splits without fear
Living soul through the
As the apple-juicy, sweet.

I dives into the night-
As the warm water and deep-
There is silence.

Are the hours and days,
When the air is so quiet.
When the light so clear
And the wind is so slow,
That words and laughter can be heard
From the shadows of the grave until tomorrow
Bright dawn.

Confronting the thoughts and words
Prices must-distant clouds
We as a bizarre game
What mighty hand
Wind swing low.

All slides and play a strange-
What mighty hand
Fictional strange game.

The night
Sea of ​​burning fire
And the sun on his face
Sank into the rain.

Vain, in vain you close your eyes,
Engine Looking for his shadow
Under the tree comes into play.
Sooner or later
Your life is found you
Under the old lie,
Under close its eyelids
Late in my dreams.
There is nothing to hide. - Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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