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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 10
Where is the sword that can pāršķlt darkness
where is the hand that could strike a light
That night the gray of the torture
and severe makoņaju
over the hearts milst?

Where is the sword that no drops of blood
can head to the ninth dragon whip,
a man clutches of power
and his wife klēpli
the unborn child weeping die?
Where in this sword, able to strike a light?

For those who burn,
always have enough coal,
flame to be cold.

For those who are burnt,
Birch never ake not regret-
is throwing fire
naktsdzisai until late.

For those who burn,
never self-pity is not
something so glowing fire
and sparks beating high!

Through the jagged teeth we šļuptam
Latvian tongue:
born malformed names
children\'s lame.
We niezdzīvot and men
the language of power wand.

Through the jagged teeth šļūk alien words
-Beams, beams!
We are here, you are there-
beams, beams,
their people clean your tongue!
-Get up and do,
that will save our beloved language?

Only pure-word
eternal future life.


opens the door and entering the room in a quiet-
comes to talk.
The word comes after the word,
and comes in friendship to-
with a cute face,
laughter and sails words.

Name calling at the remote pārismiet.
around to talk.

It may also be so-
a little love
little affected,
a little smile
and a little laugh.
and again on the go.

Held against shoulder-sket
whether it is safe,
or it will go?

It may also be so-
a little fight
and a little hard,
and go away again.
A little punishment,
a little forgiving,
one kiss,
second-hand to give.

It may also be so-
may be downstream
maneuvered the boat grant
or of his love-


Loathsome reptiles and roll žvadz,
roll and žcadz,
world over the forehead.
Roll and žvadz,
and devours žvadzēdami
three forehead zemites loving.

Horrible reptile viepļiem ņirdzos,
larval circuits dzīsušas sun
cool vizot blind,
Reptiles and roll žvadz,
roll and žvadz,
Earth\'s heart over.

yourself miss

All day, all night
my window is on fire,
so you know the way and the spirit of neaziej
with pain in his heart and skumību face.
I lit the fire box,
neaizej to you in the dark
his spirit.

All day, all night
my window is on fire.


I would like to kriksīti sun break
and you\'ve got to give,
so you always have a warm-
I do not know where you will put-
you pretty sun,
but maybe you druzku
\'ll be closer to eternity.

I would like to save a handful of rain drops
and you\'ve got to give,
so you never quite
no pain,
by dry land, and flowers
donate with a smile.

-But where you will make
the drops and the sun kriksi?
-Maybe the pain,
into joy,
\'ll be closer to eternity.
Where proximity to ends
and in the distance starts?
Where to end distance
and where proximity to arrive

Never has change,
or redzamies
or redzamies we
so little hands skummmmīgāki
rustling in the wind.

Never has change,
or we talked
or implied,
Nenko the night sleep.
So little skumīgāki
out of the wind rustling,
days, and slowly, slowly
it is covered over the snow.

There is a calm night, the rest of the night.
Behind the clouds the snow
to time pazib stars.
I no longer fear namv-
along unknown paths
silence of good news
carried away by the distant edge.

It is the peace of the night.
Behind the clouds the snow
to time pazib
Quiet, good zvaigne.
Cat song

Mijas, Mijas, Mijas-
no one is home.
But what about-
I\'m not going to lose your pride,
more thick wool
and sharp nails grow.

Mijas, Mijas, Mijas-
no one is home.
I can easily throw kūkumu-
but better to pick up the tail-slides
free waiting for you my love!
I will not go to another mew of pleasure-
but where your heart haired
to redundant?

Sunday is the Day
when the sun rolling on a meadow
and laughter bunnies jump around in the bushes.
When the heart is silenced
deep, deep,
and calls for eternity Kumo.
Once marvel, marvel
how warm the earth,
how close to the sun,
and that the true
accepting this gray day.


This path is cleared
nestgriežanās mark.
either go, either go and watch
by moon or star track
or beast, with paths
a shadow beside me.
This road is the sign of silence
night stars

I fall in the hands of the night and zvaignes-
stars and night.
Vibrates deep quiet exultation
and biting pain-
This night, Chi sad night
all carry the eternal thirst,
and the empty cup atviz
remoteness of the cool stars.

I fall in the hands to come and put
the prayer of quiet,
only to me lene star
flare remains. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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