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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 9
I see your footprints
akmeņem the hot,
and your shadow over the waves.

This juniper bush,
you allž paglāstīji,
has grown considerably,
but the new birch
drowned long ago
waters, heavy and high.

Maybe we are all drowning in it,
kādasbezdalības expectation.

-Be my guest, please
behind the smooth, icy wall.

You will be a long, long time
a long day
Thou shalt not hours
no uniformly,
You will not come,
no date
while you atminēsi,
what lies
behind this brilliant Lied wall.

It was a message
in your eyes and the voice-
neskarŗies closer
the Lied wall.

It has long been all the windows and doors are closed,
deleted bulbs
and the candles blown flame, -
but we still talked.

In this area a long time no one
but we have talked:
on marine šalkonņu long
and birds that fly across the
the far shore.

In this area there are no more,
but we have talked:
the song that there have been winds,
the white daisies
and rye flower meadow
who ever rocked vacant winds.

It is no longer in the room no one o\'clock,
but we have talked
Maybe in the distant breath
sounds echo and neizdeiest.

Maybe we have talked
Sisters song
Behind the words, listen,
behind the songs I hear,
behind the loud Tergui,
behind the quiet čusksta-
Overseas votes.

Dzikst weight crown
bezzvaigžņu night
reads his brother\'s spurs,
foal was, however, -
when our hour will come?

-Do me will know,
dust burden
dropping the shoulders
great day?

Can I apkamsi,
sad time will come
to give you your
dead heart?

Last Fling
Well laundry nebula-see
my way, my difficult struggle
everything is over.

While I do not lack strength in peace
lay down their armor, spears and arrows.
While I have enough strength
of her fears,
but leave their eyes open
cut off to the last:
it will be fatal.

husks time
This is a time-husk
small thoughts, words and deeds.
Above all, the wind is blowing
contumely wind.

This is the time of the cavity-
needless words, dead hearts,
friend\'s wily tongue.
Above all else blows
emptiness of the wind.

This is a vanity-time
eyes to the sun punches astronaut -
bezzvaigžņu sky,
godless land

above all else blows
eternal wind.

Martha Ida
Sariet from March idam!
or behind you
do not expect a smile
dagger pointed durin?
With a smile-
Martha Ida.

Maybe your best friend
pallium folds aizslēptā hand
dagger cock-
with a smile.

But you are not afraid.
You see only the glory crowns,
plāndamies flags,
and the way
where your armies
and the dream goes.
From a friend\'s hand is not to be afraid

Covers over the dream TOGU
wilted laurels-
no dreams, no dreams
of them raises his hand a friend
sveiciniem death. -

Moscow circus
Moscow circus!
Winds red flags,
trompetess called!
Well, so hurry and run-
mouth, eyes open,
little brain shut

Cage Moscow wolves howl-
plūdgaismas dazzles eyes floodlights,
clowns tumble,
impact the keystone drones,
but luxurious lounges sits
stupid rams-
while the arena, hanging tongue
glad to bear growls. . .
-There will be a mighty circus!

dry land
My land is dry-
this morning, as promised,
but neatausa-
it is still to come.

Come after a sluggish fall,
when all of us will be empty
his misery firewood dry.

Morning light, to look forward to,
the air is so, so slow. . .
If you are not going to rain
and the earth will stand still long dry
aizdziedās raven ķērciens
our thirst for life.

Pavasŗa motif
Threw into the air
schedule of the previous blue-
and catch! Around murkst,
purkst and šņurkst?

Piglet rosy
slurry palte ņurkst!

Behind the fence thrives in sun-dandelion
the first day of April!
Sun three surprise eyelashes:
as well as beast-pig-
can vārtites drank so glad!

Joy ever germ
be humble and ciecīgs-
therefore, are like a happy pig!

Spring Motif
Threw into the air
schedule of the previous Zile?
and catch!
Murst around, and purst šņurkst-

Piglet rosy
slurry palte ņurkst!

Behind the fence thrives in sun-dandelion
the first day of April!
Sun three surprising eyelashes:
the beast-it pig-
can wallow drnks so pricīgs!

Joy once the germ
be humble and cacīgs-
therefore, are like a happy pig!

Force man song
Indeed, I am a mighty man,
and started
Vievis, two, three!
And if you have any doubts RUN
then you know-
Ješkiņš is my name!

The father sksausta
I sat king, petiesi!
Where even safer,
where better yet,
no one picks up so high!

But when with his little paw
I ran all fours, Lipu, magnifying glass,
no I do not have the double-
I Capote trot a cinch!

Indeed, I maintain a husband,
me and smiles is bright and clean.

Late Hour
Ever nights are long and days are short-
every hour is a sacred eternal clock.
every hour sit-scars
vain amortize forces siznesot Gone With the Wind
eternal sunshine Hourglass

Only us, our little shoot
the shores of eternity is not time-
Our hour is late!
Time deldē twist of our
Taken hit sprockets. . .

Where our strong-arm
brave men rowing?
Night of the day is burning, and the west in the morning.
Fingering hours hourglass. -

Oh, the sea in the distance the broad-
when things fail us:
Speech and beautiful words,
the rolls of atviltnēs deep
and hand spidieni quickly
as if he was running away with shame.

When clouds are letting us roads,
towers, walls and ramparts,
which cuts the knot highways in white
with hatred and dead-end sign-

Then there was always waiting for us in the sea,
waiting for us in the waters Far
sails to the winds of hope. .

There is a time
Awake you of those love-
maybe even a bright day
the lack of sun
and blue at night
no star.

Stay awake for those
The off love. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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