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Poems / ingrida_viksna

Page : 8
last lover
There he stood-blown
tukneša sand.
Dying flame still loving
accelerated around his large fibrous.

Sunlight fingers lobby
Both booms from the shoulders,
and love without any sense
plosīja heart.

There he stood,
blown desert sand,
slowly and became himself the dead thirst grit:
žilbīgiem gold grains full desert Smith
where soulless joy of playing
dead love the sun.

Whatever winds aizšalko pair
to a fire burning heart,
my voice to the deepest night,
hear echoes of my songs.

tree branches which rustle outside the window,
wave, the wipers Olos embankment,
a bird in a quiet voice,
pedestrian walking distant of late.

Whatever winds aizsalko pair
to a fire burning heart-
my voice deeper at night,
my song close to his ear!

It is time to shut up the sea birds and wind-
Even the human voice.
Not for nothing-
no love,
not end of the world
at the death
bluish frost,
only you norebēji,
guess as to
all things secret:
deepest wet wood
under the sun that
we decided not to drink.

And when all roads will aizsnigusi,
all overgrown trails,
dried up rivers and streams,
you will find your way.

Maybe it will be in violation of the mountain
and all izsāpētām pain
after much doubt and empty dreams
that we are not alone;
because when we are alone,
all paths are aizsniguši,
all overgrown trails,
Because we are alone.

And when all roads will aizsnigusi,
all overgrown trails,
streams and rivers dried up,
you find your way.

Maybe it will be a violation of the mountain
and all izsāpētām pain
after much doubt and empty dreams,
that we are not alone,
because when we are alone,
all paths are aizsniguši,
all overgrown trails,
Because we are alone.

Time of us cut down
in the arm, leg-
by piece as
we leave
Those whose hearts gallops
goes on and on.
Just why the
never, never at the same time
longing and fulfillment?

Time truncates
in the arm, leg-
We auļojam on.
This is a sore today
laugh today
and again someone else is crying.

Fire and Sea
Eternal fire and the sea!
Never picks up the life of me over the threshold
So easy,
As fire and smoke.

The black stone snake
The lake of fire,
Gaišads days and dreams of new
Tāljam coast of the cage - the fire and the sea.

Nosūbējis amber grain
Loop algae
Bottom depths of makeup
And Trud coincided network
Grid Rimi -

But all the time I have lips
Taste beating Sura:
I am still waiting
Fire and the sea. -

Eternal fire and the sea
The snow had pārsnidzis pair
Pārsnidzis all -
Fear of tomorrow
And yesterday\'s
Birds, flowers and grief. The snow was pārsnidzis everything

Then a man with a snow plow
Broke into the valley in a clean,
Broke into a quiet summer
And plowed a wave of foam
Dreams of dead in the shower,

And all the snowy meadow
Had suddenly
Overlook a full life:
Blue and yellow tulips,
Pale skull,
And as the icicles Salta
Drowsily, pusapņī,
Stingušas hands
Last hug
Duse lamīgas
In the deep snow.

The greatest light is born in silence -
Rustling in the wind ceased,
Asleep and the bird

Clearer dawn silence -
Wave, which washed up on the edge
And submerged in the sand,
Rising caresses, but
Falls in the dark. Voice
What aizsplūst breath and never
Raising over
Arrival time is reached very quiet time
When delves deep moss bare feet,
And no one hears, as
Sirdzspukstos dun
DILA, severe grief,
Fragrant and heavy
How green dog face
Beaten last summer
Bright, cheerful feet.

In sorrow?
You smejat and gavilejat,
Saviebjāt or face,
As if all that long glides,
It would be only a bird ran fast.

You\'re all so come inside -
You are all guests in this strange place:
A house without walls.

Come in, so -
Through the door,
Boards are cracked,
Stacks wrong -
Inside, like,
This house has no walls.

So come inside,
And all redzēsat
How many and strange space
Hiding in the house -
A house without walls.

Behind the quiet windows
Gul long day.
On a gray wall
Under the pale paper roses
The wallpaper peeled scraps
An article creates characters
Here -
This is the place
where once I had to stand
burning feet.
Where once I had whine
the abandoned dog
struck with the landlord,
upon expiry of the spirit.

This is the place
where now even feel
sand, wet with tears,
Lipami the fingers.

This is the place
and returned miracle -
wind dzēsni gray,
swept away by foot.

At the morning after my window singing bird
Just waking bird,
waking bird,
before the morning light had managed to
Part the leaves of trees
flowers flowers
strew race from the branches and
smile to the ground.

At the morning outside the window dzieāja bird
throw joy apex of their songs
pirmjai pirmsaules through the dusk,
through plauktošo branch clusters,
throw your songs joy joy
fluffy as a spray in their face
pirmjai dawn.

Slowly drag himself all things,
in the dim, singing snail covers.
All the shadows in front of the sun departs
and disappear in the quicksand

Slowly as all things
vanish and disappear,
and a hand vacuum trīsošiem pirstiem
captures the grass shake,
shadow across the forehead, lips quenching:
-Where are you, where you hiding?

Silence echo kliez:
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