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Poems / Humor

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Any machine last a lifetime, if you travel by their reckless enough.
[ Humor ]
Masseur is a person who gets money from the women on their own, as others get through the muzzle.
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any of us snauž genius. And with each passing day more and enhanced sleep. . .
[ Humor ]
Nepapamatoti laughter shows that you are a fool or a cute girl.
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woman needs a man as a ship anchor. So let\'s drink to cruiser \"Aurora\", which had four anchors.
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iepazīsi The closer, the farther pasūtīsi.
[ Humor ]
With that finds its place in life is not enough. It is the first find.
[ Humor ]
Love comes and goes, but would so like to eat every day.
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Take your time, otherwise even paspēsi
[ Humor ]
In life there is always space feats, but do not always have time for them to do.
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selfish person - a man who takes care of itself, instead of having to take care of me.
[ Humor ]
If the toilet light switches off the sound of \"AAA\", then there is one.
[ Humor ]
drink cola and chocolate piekož present, then the chocolate calories are neutralized with a diet Coke.
[ Humor ]
The people around you will be the thickness as you look thinner.
[ Humor ]
Foods eaten tasting the prepared dishes, not calories.
[ Humor ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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