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Poems / Words of wisdom

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According to the natural philosophy of the proper maxim we must refrain from any natural explanation for the arrangement, which would be derived from the will of higher beings, because it is no longer natural philosophy, but a confession that our forces here is the deal.
new word artificial fabrication or the language be missing the concept of the term to designate a childish trying to pass out from the crowd - if not with the new and true view, then at least with the new patch on an old garment.
Fanaticism in the widest sense of the human mind trespassing, starting under what principles.
Laughter - it\'s a man thing, tears - women.
Happiness is a being endowed with the mind state of the world, with her desire and will.
Morality, to be honest, not a lesson on how we make ourselves happy, but a lesson on how we should become worthy of happiness.
Ethics is a philosophy of belief.
tendency, whether it takes a compassionate or is blind and enslaving oneself, and the mind when it comes to morals, not only to be guardian.
The human mind is so eager to crane fabrication that this has been built a tower, and then removing it again to see how well laid the foundations.
never too late to come to their senses and wisdom: but, if true realized comes too late, there is always more difficult to use.
All that arouses desire empty and longing for the unreachable perfection, creates a protagonist who, quite lepodamies with that feeling too great, therefore, exempt themselves from the usual and everyday duties to them in such a case, it seems only marginally and little tasks.
Two things to always perform a new soul and adult admiration and awe, the more frequent and more lasting thoughts on the delay: starry sky over me and the moral law within me.
arranging that your maxim will always be at the same time could serve as a general principle of law.
man years to extend the youth can only love a happy, unhappy to convert old.
Why do people drink? Because after all, is meaningful self-administration, all brought to incandescent. Conclusion: people drink helplessness, or expressing protest.

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