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Poems / Words of wisdom

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No one is not necessarily a person. Very well, if he is only human.
basis a high morality can only be obliged to, but not interest.
Eternal custody a person has difficulty living up to his three major Helper: hope, sleep and laughter.
Patience is the habit of suffering.
, who was the first woman on the beautiful iedēvēja sex, maybe wanted to tell them that flattering, but actually izsacīja much more.
Women\'s virtue is the beauty of virtue. They may be deterred from evil, not because it\'s unfair, but because it is cursed, and moral conduct within the meaning of them, conduct which is morally beautiful.
practical mind requires only that we, as soon as it is a duty, happiness would not catch the slightest attention.
man is nothing apvainojošāka how to name him as a fool, a woman - to say that she is preposterous.
Pain in any way diminish a person\'s value - it just reduces the value of its position.
Soul phenomenon can not be explained materialistic, additives, asking who is the real soul.
false art, each blank there is wisdom for some time, and finally self-destructs and its highest prosperity at the same time is the time of death.
admiration and respect and can mislead the trial, but can not replace the lack of it.
Loving God is like that - will be happy to fulfill his commandments, to love our neighbor means: happy to fulfill any obligations towards him.
Respect is a duty that we can not deny the merits, whether we want to or not, we are respectful of expression and externally can be restrained, but internally we feel seductive.
habit, because he is nebrīvāks and dependable.

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