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Poems / Words of wisdom

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Sin has many weapons, but a lie is the handle that is useful for each of these weapons.
dispute is paving the difference between the wise men and the fools and the fools know it.
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
Young people know the rules, guys - exceptions.
If you want to know what you think of your acquaintance, angers him.
Grief is like a child - when they are champions, they grow better.
Happy is he who lives in his temperament in appropriate circumstances, but who is able to adjust his temper to any circumstances, is a head taller.
\"case\" either \"fate\" they are just empty words. Persistent sense - that is human destiny.
Nature always takes precedence over principem.
gentle nature, man can not make the idea of ​​insatiable revenge or cruelty, as well as friendship and generosity generosity can not noskārt selfish heart. Easily accepted that other beings may have a lot of sense, for which we have no idea.
destructive forces against excessive skepticism is an activity and occupation, and daily life matters.
Nature always retain their power and will prevail over all forms of abstract thinking.
public statements serve the cause of skill aizsegšanai.
Ambition, avarice, self-love, vanity, friendship, generosity and patriotism - these human feelings in different packages and different sectors of society of the time (the final) has been and continues to be the root of all actions and activities that have only the pursuit of tribal people.
I believe that a man who dies at the age of sixty-five, just released from varākiem senility years.

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