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Poems / Words of wisdom

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Who else may like the false honor, which both can be charged with lying to scare and only that which is itself a sham and a liar?
If you have an order of the abdomen, chest, legs - no royal treasures nothing can be added for your comfort.
the middle of no mortal nedzimst without its drawbacks, among them the best is the one with the least.
easier patiently endure what we have decided to edit.
When a neighbor is burning house, in your own property is at risk.
undermine confidence in promises.
strive for quantity, a lot of the missing.
bravery knows no ignominious defeat and unfading glory shines - it does not and will not be returned to power by popular random whim.
If the essence of the understanding, the words come on their own.
Thoughts every day for the last, which doomed you, and you will be loving every minute, to which you have not hoped for.
It is a wise child that knows his father.
a word you say, to hear the answer.
wonderful to be temporary.
If we always do everything right, we know that we have a conscience, like a normal person knows that he has a stomach, heart or nerves.
men have a will, the women - their own way.

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