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Poems / Words of wisdom

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Danger - Invincible conciliator.
Tiger kills to get the skin, bad - as a warning to others.
Nature as well, smiling mother returned to ourselves in our dreams and cherishes our fantasies.
The less we know, because we have suspicious.
nation\'s greatness is not proportion with its quantitative as well as human greatness is not commensurate with its stature.
In older remnants, the soul sparkles more powerful, while the flesh remains weaker. The closer to the end, the clearer sounding symphony immortality.
know, think, dream - that\'s three key human intelligence
homeland carved out a wound we feel deep in my heart.
If women are already fascinated by magic eyes, then soon as she seduces the heart.
degenerate, degenerate throughout the nation.
art and power of love: mērdēt while starving men, while they forget the other and think only of their own hunger relief.
woman woman defends selfish and blind. You just touch one of them, now it seems that you throw a stone into the herd of geese.
man to give up all the trusted friend of all, but not the woman he loves.
Devil is standing in for all women.
woman is the strongest power on earth. She can lead the man there, wherever God the Father wants it.

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