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Poems / Words of wisdom

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gift of freedom. Heavy gift of freedom. As it is, which is free, can become - well - a slave.
of people a lot easier to remember the bad than the good. The poor are characterized by good is banal.
I am concerned rather than the nonsense that I have already committed, but its still to be done.
If a thousand people speak the same thing, then it is either God\'s voice, or the colossal stupidity.
Association quantity is not necessarily indicative of the wealth of imagination.
is bad if you earnings are cute, but even worse when you praise a fool.
There are two kinds of men: one is new, sympathetic with the future of the other has decided to marry.
Men only pretend to understand women. It costs them less.
Love does not have to pay only for the moon in the sky.
Guys are like watches - wear every day.
man\'s life is in two stages, when he completely does not understand a woman - before marriage and after.
If the two men talk, they talk about themselves, when talking to two women, her third judgeth.
If a man looking for a woman who always looks good, knows how to hold a conversation, interested in politics, sings well and also stops at the first request, then, truth be told, he needs not the woman, but the TV.
Women, like children, loves to say \"no\". Men are like children, do not believe it.
Courage without conscience like a savage beast.

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