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Poems / Words of wisdom

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Latvia! All of our work to have the gold. To be selfless you become as expensive jewelry. To all our decorated - something youngest - You should daiļāka between sisters, as senusenās songs already said.
Latvia, part of the land to which you come, - Commemoration of Latvia! Never and nowhere in my life you will not hear no more beautiful expression of that word, because it nemities chant, does not cease to praise the country, which bears that name.
dauzoņām and dirt gets used, as in other lands to the burglaries, revolutions and wily politicians.
Friendship is different. . . There vienvasaras. There are a few years. Others may be called a hard leaf green. They are very rare.
Rumors and nevalodas run like wild fire.
God Himself does not allow trees to grow into the sky.
What can not understand, it can not be disputed.
Lies always sweeter than the truth. At least pusmeli.
Strangely enough, that the brain can not stop. They constantly tweak with anything. Even during sleep.
. . . get used to the whole. The fastest - to charity.
We often talk about the crowd. On the gray mass. The crowd is not the face, not nature. It flows around us, and we ourselves are part of it.
streams looking for a way to the big river. Move out of lakes and dry.
The human face is wax. Experiences, the pain of the world\'s injustices gudrojot nonīktās sleepless nights, yes - and the rain left its mark. For most people face is expressionless. Their lives they nostaigā of the embryo as a pretty face.
Confined heart is the worst prison.

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