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Poems / Words of wisdom

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die in this life is nothing new, but the living is not new.
When lit, it burns. . .
Actors can not nurture and teach, or raising her people.
Each era is an enigma of memory instead of an era, but only in the future.
even greater pleasure than love in your heart gives the message that someone you loved and love, you remember.
Do not expect love from others before you yourself loved.
Love is the flower dust, carrying out air around caring only for a short, short time. All The following are just self-denial in favor of the opposing party.
What a beautiful day to run it, who love and who can love his constant joy to share the love of people.
Love is like dew that covers all the brīnešķīgu glow.
It either sounds like maybe a droll. But for once, it is the Latvian nature: as long as he is not married, he remains a boy. . . Just married, he becomes a man.
Not every time the truth as fat flying over water, sometimes it sinks to the bottom of the gravel.
Yes, now I know what happiness! Happiness is more than willing.
always turns out to scratches than nāvīgāki deep scars because they no nepiegriež the required value.
Yes, the whole world is the love of oratory, and every heart is a small altar.
Who does not right in your house, it will not be good in any part of the world.

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