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Poems / Words of wisdom

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When a man runs his mouth more freely, sometimes it is not so terrible. Worse is when he speaks on such occasions live the truth.
lawyer knows how to make your black white and white as black. And he\'s on the money comes from.
Do not lose heart light. If not, a man walking around the world as an off-road and at whatever hour he lacks strength to live. Such a man no one can help because he is sagruzdējis his own misfortune.
audience always asks peak. It is the cost of fame, and a very high cost.
When I no longer have enemies, I will understand that I am worth nothing.
, singers, orchestra are the main tool.
to hate, that just scared.
must live either modest or Cēzeram.
best secrets will be kept for one who knows that.
mīlstības death.
There are people who are so fond of constantly complain and whine that the liking of them, feel themselves ready to look for his accident.
Everything, including a lie, serving the truth. Shadows did not hide the sun.
hidden instantly. This is the life.
off age. What keeps the ability to see the beauty of it is old.
any seasoned man is more of a boy than a woman - from the girls.

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