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Poems / Clever phrases

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man can stop climbing up, but never - fall.
to glory leads only one way - up. He who wants to achieve it over the other way, the interloper.
Even after crop failure but sow.
is later than you think.
Aicinādams friends at my desk, I asked him to sit down, if he was lame, and does not force him to dance.
Life is not so short, so people would not be sufficient time to be kind.
worth more than a thousand kilograms of melancholy.
Who can confuse gratitude with pay, deserves only the fees.
Friendship, like tea, good if it is strong and not too sweet.
Friendship on behalf of all can be broken down, just not in love.
closes the door to all sorts of illusion, the truth will remain on the outside.
stubbornness than conviction.
eagle Never lose so much time teaching as a crow to fly
young man becomes a man when he is no longer nebrien across the puddle, but the bypass around it.
man who has lost the confidence of faith, even if he claims that soy mēci made from soybeans. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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