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Poems / Smart insights

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Where is the wise rulers, subjects did not feel their existence.
no more accidents than it is when a man does not know his passion borders.
Smart people are sometimes ignorant, educated people are not always wise.
no creation without commitment and without suffering.
many people Belong to the dictionary, Which Can Be Used as you like. These Are the labels on empty bottles.
better to deceive thee, than with her boyfriend accused of lack of confidence.
When you\'re in love, do not think about that. If you start to think, so do not love anymore.
A woman should never choose a favorite, talking to the heart, and her husband - without complying with the mind.
If God was pleased to give a woman wrinkles, He could have at least some of them to place on the feet.
Love, like a all in another, the experience is a doctor who arrives after the recovery.
Ah, youth! Only you know a storm is able to inflate the chest brown curls of white silk collar.
Work, children, the further course of the next generation - a member of a member of an eternal chain. If someone is barren, empty life of a break in the chain. . . so, can you ask - what the devil he lived?
sharing happiness with others, it gets bigger.
threaten and neuzbrukt policy nezīmē reveal their impotence.
Utopia is often the only early expressed the truth. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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