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Poems /

Page : 7
my feet covered in white sand.
Others remain in memory as a bridge.
Another - spoken words and pavektais work
The sea, which often had harsh boreas.
[ ]
may inadvertently come frost,
When the flowers as a snowflake brush.
Not to say how life is long,
Its thread can suddenly disintegrate.
[ ]
When will the garden bloom flowers -
Will bear the most beautiful you.
And the song that you have sung manim,
Their hearts carry for yourself.
[ ]
tale now shines like a star,
To me the trail is light.
And it seems that just as in the past
Someone handed me on the shoulder raises.
[ ]
will not be me anymore trees rustling,
Pūpolīts to face glauž.
Others remain in the forest trails,
Zirneklīts where nets are woven.
[ ]
It wanted to stay longer here -
Hazel and flowering meadows, ravines,
Among the green oaks and birches šalcošiem
Jāņuguns clamps and hot ...
[ ]
Dzidras ringing
[ ]
this quiet peace garden
So wind harp sounds.
Cardiac memory protects you,
But the pain aching san.
[ ]
Are we as a shining star,
What heavenly home to expand?
Not know us an hour and the moment
When they fall down dying.
[ ]
Behind every remaining life
And said aloud the word,
But the memory so expensive
The heart will keep long.
[ ]
flowering heather,
What the cloud blue sky,
From our green hill,
From the happy dream castle.
[ ]
The wind sweeps, will serve as a caress -
You will only atmiņstāsts.
And I pat winds, tree branch,
So no more in the spring.
[ ]
silent shadow path
I want to be a bystander,
When the sun set in the evening
And life-course deal.
[ ]
remains white flower trail
Autumn Gold underfoot BERT
And from the deep wells of happiness
Pasmelts as much as allowed.
[ ]
Šalkšu the wind in the grove,
Skanēšu bird song,
Memory shine like a thread
Dying flame of fire in the evening.

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Page : 7

Poems /

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