green waves zvīļi waves
White Soul
heron wings, wind wings,
the earth shake.
I swear his eyes, dragon eyes,
mūžībiņu see,
Call tongue, clapper,
mūžībiņu inaugurate.
Only gulls are doomed
rise above the dark depths,
As for the pain arose
your spirit.
us spirdzināji
with their blooms.
In order to bloom, you entering,
World in gardens.
the knees
the mother\'s grave,
it will not be lost
of the mind,
the land is heavy
and close.
white rose wreath
John then dying man,
white rose wreath
folk song singers.
we have bars,
but our song
sounding the death over.
No word nava,
Measured either time.
Occurred centuries, time.
When dreams call will be silenced
and will take all the great silence,
the words that you say to me,
they are still behind me will go dark.
late hours of sunlight stars
And the candles will burn bright.
Loving hearts will come quietly,
Flowers easily across the cover.
dzaudz So you had a dream, māmulīt,
Going sunlit trail.
Well you have an asterisk, which glow in the dark,
Your heart is still protecting us.
Say goodbye to gray Mamula,
What steps so gurušiem went
What children and grandchildren quietly
Sweet words as diamonds in stock.
heard the waltz,
Gloomy autumn breeze rustles.
The most beautiful of dreams sails
Ziemelis acutely torn.
remain blue over the grave,
Another storm at sea in a hurry.
Now other small gull
His love songs say.
I left your name,
I left your heart,
And it seems that every star,
Yet your eyes off it shine.
moon light in my window,
Jasmīnkrūms blossoms pouring ...
You can not give orders to the heart,
That we all forget.
will come autumn, the division of sheet gold,
Morning dew like diamonds shine,
Sea Rogue catchy.
So your voice is no longer nesadzirdēs ...
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