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Poems /

Page : 5
Pamales life lighthouse has turned pale,
Already the darkness of the world flowing.
We now parted from the close of tales,
Of all that was and is.
[ ]
man dies ...
We all used to die,
that await us in the grave,
part of his life leaves the ark ...
[ ]
to donate life
our advantage
What burns the same,
others to feel the light,
Maybe every desire,
whose hearts are stored,
Really helps
To become reality.
[ ]
Once more
Let me look at you throw.
Let me in your eyes starojušās
Farewell to dive into the abyss,
Allow you to collapse all the Power Clamp,
It is as if we are made to die together.
[ ]
When death stops a short way of life,
To the grave stone tells the world:
He lived. He does not ask a second life.
He did everything a man can.
[ ]
human heart as a source of
Source of life do not dry,
Reflect the depth of their
And forest fires.
At the reflection of stars,
Dreamy sky Tale ...
Sparks gust carried away,
Storm makes the stars fade,
But reflection on hold,
Reserves for life heart to us -
Star beauty will remain there,
Will remain the sparks of brilliance.
The human heart as a source of
Source, which reflect all
Atplaiksnī the depths of their
Ash, which is just dzisa.
[ ]
only take you no longer than my right,
Your gaze is no longer my neglāstīs.
White sand set you keep.
My heart scar heal.
[ ]
Is death an hour suddenly remember
This garden, which was the both of us holy?
Over your head put on a calm plēties,
And I will never not see you.
[ ]
with you many light paths ieti.
Well our life in the middle gate shut.
After the storm again atmirz beautifully rieti
Amber and green land bloom.
[ ]
no visitors to this garden,
Rustles the trees, and quiet for those folk,
What, going to death, life path mentions,
In order to bring a flower from the grave dust.
[ ]
go away ... You will be emptier space.
However, it will not remain empty, even
In the remains of our love life breath -
We may die, but never in love.
[ ]
The distance of the tiny life to death.
Šalcošiem of branches to the ground in silence.
[ ]
And so you go and get a silver ices,
holes flowers, which saplaukušas and Radiated
April sunlight.
So many golden flower!
So blue - sky and sea!
So far, so infinitely far away

[ ]
Aizmūžu will
of leciem
Fear not,
your ancestors
Hand snow.
[ ]
There, in those rays,
doves over crowed,
turtledoves nearest ones Duka
you walk,
sometimes turning the cheek
on my side.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 5

Poems /

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