Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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sauļup gone ...
And now it\'s warm ...
[ ]
white snow falls,
So white chalk, the white becomes even crows.
So easy to drop that off tomorr
[ ]
Do not believe!
This court will not
Also, when candles are flying,
Ceased, will be the only body,
Will live forever!
[ ]
friends go one by one.
Go in one after another.
And even does not require permission.
You know - never to return.
[ ]
Ex ground hard, tough strains was, -
As there hands to remain tenderness?
How much dust had chest jāierij,
As far as sweat poured unshaven cheek!
Job had everything - an obligation, and joy,
Although the meaning of life, life.
[ ]
will stop birds still sing today,
But the heart
to have long echoes sing -
Even then, whenever blizzards virmojot sing,
And never will be a cold.
[ ]
me your light walking to distant,
Still face freshly blowing winds,
And as the field, overgrown with grass, -
It is garnished with songs my whole life.
[ ]
Yes, over the woodpeckers
hammered and hammered and hammered,
Up to the last, behold, the winds off at the site.
He knows well - time to go back
Either present in the moment to think about the grave.
[ ]
The road was long ...
And that\'s why
Without extra words to understand:
Obtained difficulty and pain
It can not be easy to give away.
[ ]
-day life leaves kaldendārā
Ever be completely peeled,
However, work remains to be doing,
However, the time
not erase all traces.
[ ]
Our dreams will remain in our children,
Our route will also have their way.
Days to go ...
But look through the schedule of the previous sedge
Every year, new germs thrive.
[ ]
nothing more from a former,
As a reflection of the sun -
Mel and oblique ...
[ ]
thought the birds
threshold sweeps,
Catkin the morning
dreams to propel the foot ...
Free to call -
refer to the response,
Alone in the dark
another star is falling.
[ ]
As a gardener over the road woes
Fruit full of all the autumn mornings,
Today, leaving you feet fall
Years of steps written in haste.
[ ]
loved one may go away,
Pain can be up to the very depths of the sting,
Who had a beautiful, life is not wasted -
Beauty remains, helps to bring life.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 4

Poems /

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