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Poems / Poetry

Page : 6
Oriole, narcissus intimidated
icicles and intimidate incubus
my tongue.

Slowly the sound glides past, glide past,
tongue touching, gliding,
The big pink muteness of the island -
the lives of my tongue.

My tongue Oriole, narcissus intimidated
icicles and intimidate incubus
my tongue.

Beauty comes to pipes and frightened the song plays.
[ Poetry ]
when the wound is estimated
his solitary sail
for dressings
[ Poetry ]

wings are made of kļavlapām Dedal!

they are not red and heavy as bricks ruins

wings are made of lieplapām Dedal!

not the wax melts quickly and as yellow as the sun

wings are made of oak leaves Dedal!

not the sounds sound like copper and will inaugurate a winter

snowflake is made from the wings Dedal!
[ Poetry ]
irdz fountain somewhere
I say that nowhere

running blood stream in the sky

to run

I say that nowhere
not a fountain
trees grow here i met them a green plume in the air
but the fountain
is invisible

if the blood is the soul
and already you will not see
because they are transparent
of tears
[ Poetry ]
your skin concerns
Cool raindrops hips
City shines mirdzēdama
Humid May evening.

Then you can pick up a star
Robot as a maple leaf,
Valga and the maple leaf
In late May evening.

Only in a quiet voice in the wind
Mild aches heard,
Well, it may be waived
Soft May evening.

And you slowly slip through your hands
Raindrops cool hips
Another star in the faint glow,
Your eyes nesvilina.
[ Poetry ]
Lead channel black swan flying wound.
Flying and neslīkst beneath the northern bluefin tūcēm.
Lead coffin swan look rocking waves.
Wind the hands glauž lawn untended hair.
Lead coffin sleeping swan - as swan-white.
White as the twelve constellations, piled heap.
Pald and nenoslīkst and nenoslīks never.
Take the profit year, Year of the Devil, diamond year.
Black channel again will float a swan.
Lead Swan, where once you dead will be buried.
[ Poetry ]

- Maybe not too much. . .

- If migratory birds would be green,
I know
that summer remains.

- Maybe not too much. . .

- If you have a gājpuķes,
I know
where summer left.

- Maybe not too much. . .

- If the heat stored tobacco cans,
I know
where summer left.

- What I said - fly spray. . .
[ Poetry ]
hovering in the clouds
Sitting at the table
hovering in the clouds
ran cranes

Crane Swamp jerked drank
white star biker.
[ Poetry ]
You\'re a traveler, you\'re knee room.
By the way aiziedams, anywhere you neaiziesi.
Stretches carbon monoxide blue flowers ravines.
As calves winds thy face licks.
And birds madarotās voice sounds. . .
This is all you need to bear alone.
In the way hospitality, hospitality wide
You Lasso will flow into your blood and breath.
You will get way ---------------------------
[ Poetry ]
long arm can pick up
while the arm can
page may be playing in the branch
and not to travel

while the hand is asked to
while the hand is hit
page may branch to sit
and slipping

while the hand is palm
while the hand is to
page may live branch
and not foam

but when my hand will be dead
the page came down from the tree
[ Poetry ]

is the end and the beginning of shells
between the poles we know how to live
i neaudzējot pearls, this sea
we do not grow pearls, amber coast rising
at sea and drowned child time
flowing amber trees in their paint colors
We stigsim transient fall in Amber
which slowly absorb the depths of winter wisdom
between the poles we know how to live
i neaudzējot pearls, their strings firebreak
between two pretmetīgiem shell drag
or pearl-like amber but not land
[ Poetry ]

Time you make a convenient pit,
For his peace of mind.
You are the witness of time,
And witnesses should be removed.

Only because death feigned
It is only because of recruiting,
To show people less
Then, having come here.

But with you in the grave Lidia
And next time your nogulsies.
Through him you darken and shine.
With you - gaist times.

Not bent over the grave we\'re doing here -
Nenopļaujams play with the witness.
[ Poetry ]

Retinal childhood, wind,
Yes, of course do, that permeate the wind
foundations of the earth lifted in the wind;
Kiss Sift Through Time and Space
lip of yet unspecified,
Blazing sleep awake.
Yes, the retina childhood, the wind -
žēlu dryer, šalcējs lashes;
fingers sparks, snow targeted.

Retinal childhood wind.
[ Poetry ]
People of Riga
(The statement)

Behind the house of house -
Like a rock off a cliff.
Your window and glass gāle

So great centuries,
But they
Loves to play
With stones.

Play, play,
Play here,
While Riga

Riga, Riga -
Rock off a cliff.
But nerūk
Kalnenieku genus.

While doing free
Riga air -
You are
Riga hereditary,

And unable
Meadow green chalk
From Riga
You prescribe.
[ Poetry ]
boarded the lake in the sky
kamielēni born SWEET FLAG CALAMUS
limited depth in its place
rustles and do not die and radiates
fog fish waving

in the bottom spoguļojies
it is driven by source digs
[ Poetry ]

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