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Poems / Poetry

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izvijies pulley sit with tail
you noturēšu I noturēšu
if izrausies aizskriesi aizspīdēsi
\'ll keep your life

a handful of his face and into the bloodstream
\'ll take a life - deprived
vijies izvijies hands struck
slip slip river black

I do not care I will
the sense of living life
from the dead - into being from nothing
you are my jāizbrīvo
[ Poetry ]

is written in the sky
M E n e s s s v n a z z i g n e s

is written in asphalt
L i e p i z e d i s u n s

is written divvientulībā B a i l e s
n p o i e p i l d i s m a j
[ Poetry ]
I must forget you
from head to toe - all
and the rain water had icicles
but something else incredibly
I will forget
us may get strange aching boats
height of the coast
they nepārkļūt
I will forget
Crying just as pathetic as the eyes
I will forget. Required
I forget you
[ Poetry ]
and leaving the hot line
its clear and breathable
like a river to flow away your height
but I still have the fog

the white bar across the river
the fog still remains in me
[ Poetry ]
Archaic Poems

be the apple indigenous
while black seeds
the apple neapdzīvotajā
kept in your palm

I have apple flesh
to live and die
to the Final Court
then your heart will be called
[ Poetry ]

I lost a zipper.
And it is no longer nesadzīt nowhere.
Comes returner, ran projāmbēdzējs,
They contain a combination of the two,

But missing a zipper!
And everything ran on all sides.
What my deep quench your thirst?
When com wide world,
Then the world tells me: - Pour
As, John, in the same spirit,
In fact, the range in the end
There are only a chase. -

And jāsaļimst me in my affliction.

Hey, you, which burned in stars at night,
Do you have a tidy zipper?
[ Poetry ]
entangle a white flower in her face
entangle steel mist

entangle dancojošu River
their chest bright

entangle lime in the pane

it is not easy
it is not difficult

entangle it to the reverse
neatraisītos never
[ Poetry ]
I can not fall off the roads
in front of you - it is a strange skill

when the mist rises over the river
I stay in your bank
something more than two steps
no longer view it impossible paieties

I stay I stay - however
ira is the same as the same
[ Poetry ]


Rose takes ax in hand,
izcērties go through the dung
through fate, destiny cocaine,
before dusk. . .


You see the rose,
the beautiful rose,
which the tuning forks clean barn?
[ Poetry ]

Stepping illusion of shovels,
The festive table on the rise
And the table starts ziedaini endorsement,
And tūce duravām to exit
Mel Moon, but nepiekrāpj.

This bread, which blooms on the table
Behind the aizrijas famine -
It is a sweet bread from the nebula
Stands barely from illusion,
But each time, but each time without her
As infirm noliesē view.
[ Poetry ]
As far back as the battered lives
(Wind fireplace smoke carries)
Is there a wedding drink, crying, Joy, you hear -
I do not know.

Years ago this puzzle, I was created to
They vapenī coined my name.
Founded, but the secret of -
Aizauļoju away, where the winds gārdz. . .

Be replaced colt on the road
But Nevers duravas
[ Poetry ]
the late MIELASTS

In the autumn peacefully tables
The meeting and the board.

If you\'re craving the king,
Then they fed the autumn!

To her mature as cress,
When you want to visaplīk necessary to rely. . .

Pick the table sārtlapas heavy,
What the death of sweat sweat.
Life to live and a feeling nenoklīst. . .
[ Poetry ]
Saturday night

Dark blue pigeon crop
Riga as wheat lying.
Museums across the flying muses.
Gaist sky bus,

This bus, which run long
This wonderful bus. . .
Wind range of the soul as a brown top,
How dievkociņš smelling air. . .

Then I let the blood speak
Gundegu ancient dialect.
And slowly split gurums.
Dej joyous butterfly dance
The green kļavlapu envelopes.
[ Poetry ]
to feel the sweetness on the tongue,
Need to Dangas and tūces percolate.
Might be different? If you would like
Tell it to me then.

But I already know - you nestāstīsi.
That\'s the thing that others do not know.
Otherwise, all the saber
The rosy jāsim foals.

And no one walks
Paslepen tears and crying,
And no one to face
Able lecīgam fate spit.
[ Poetry ]

Kustoniska as a doe,
Beastly as vālodzīte,
Smoke and subconscious,
Immoral as the lotus. . .

Re to go -
As a white mare!
Kustoniski -
As dahlias bloom.

Become stranded in the clouds Dictionary
Forged in silver.

And life
[ Poetry ]

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