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Poems / Poetry

Page : 24
the Daugava
peaceful linen Stream
washing of the sea and will become
but the citizens
peaceful zombi *
your own pace without stopping movement
how good some of their fat
well as hippies
strawberry fields
(Ak! honorific Dreslera you want)
[ Poetry ]
oh! Embarrassing journalism spawning
TV suffix blunt
I center myself and slamming doors
the apartment in darkness knubinās fears
and the instincts of a rat gnawing
illusory and, accordingly, so funny
percussion rings
[ Poetry ]
that you are the planet\'s hot springs?
that you are against freedom of winged guys?
office and zombie
not ashamed to confess
stance taken against them

no banners nude
and all

[ Poetry ]
looking at THE NINTH FLOOR
A GALOTNĪTĒM at my feet

I watched the rapt pines down there
and pine tend to visit happiness
from the sun can reach them all -
of the eight girls -
with caresses and flattery
The first sunny day of February
horny līgojas pines in the wind
deep harmony with nature
tvīkdams through the glass I look down

[ Poetry ]

dzrusku horrible (as Honey)
the duty
yourself a little pleasure for himself
happy evening darken

Moon inflated cheeks
pazib happy fatigue
somewhere in the humble hut
asleep wolf-dog

crust crust over the fields
gloom without leaving traces
somewhere aizslāj - as a fat
dwells in the heart of new mornings

quite horrible (as Honey)
the duty
surely not be decided in the obligation
great look we got her groove on

[ Poetry ]
cretin DANCE

happy again
I laugh at the window
in my face
losers are dancing

they do better
knows how to be normal
them it adds up
more realistically
umpapā umpapā
losers are dancing
umpapā tralalā
floor and laugh

losers are dancing
day and night
I still stand
situ and stroke

Klein stands
Ballet Mania
small gulbīšu

in my yard
a wee purvelis
disappears already umpapā
some losers

world but
the losers
others come in place
with machines running

umpapā umpapā
losers are dancing
umpapā tralalā
floor and laugh

smells like alcohol
how good are published
as promised firmness

Klein kājelēm
Ballet Mania
small gulbīšu
[ Poetry ]
I say \"NO\"

Black-white flags in the snow
To native pine roots
But I asleep nogrozos
and say, \"Yes. \"

Extensor mower, back pain. . .
Is the idea that the end can be painful,
To feel better grass.
I say, \"Yes. \"

Nodārd metal stairs zilgmainās
The men come uzpīpēt.
Work is not bad, and just because
I say, \"Yes. \"

Lots of great change for the better
Our everyday world,
But I believe that I will be better
if you say: \"Yes. \"

Catch me, Tuck\'s mouth,
I defeated without false gutters
Gulēšu crooked mouth like a flounder
and its norūkšu: \"Yes. \"

Save me, I will live.
Then you can come to me apstāvēt,
When you are absolutely certain -
I will not say: \"Yes. \"

[ Poetry ]
Egils Bream

Huge winds blowing
but does not carry over
Supino as the Sun
as aukliņā

you love this life
that does not over
such as the Sun
as aukliņā

[ Poetry ]
you do not have the word
Sometimes the
glides across your face white
and dark souls country
become sunny

You do not face
but at times
Have you every one face
and then we feel
you did it again
have appeared during the

you do not have a voice
but tend to occur
they only hear the music
without them, this small nation
if nothing can happen

you do not have death
Sometimes the
the haunted house - you do n
[ Poetry ]
Bengal fire crackling
commonness in the crucible
quick to jump through hoops
Bengal tigers
time against the grain
caresses the head
not to retreat from his
rather hideous caresses

free to ask finest doctors
\"Why people stay old?\"

tigers jumping through hoops

[ Poetry ]

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