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Poems / Poetry

Page : 23

Be that as it would be,
we must be long

the rivers again
shifted standing

bottle at his feet,
where a strange pale liquid

as a cold glances.
Yes, Harons throws and throws

only small stones
dreary laundry in the river.
He stands

so indifferent to the cold thoughts in mind,
that remain scared of the long chant:

so as there would not be
we long to exist.

He takes oars.
Another pavervelē, Maple.


\"Plaisanterie Macabro\" (in French.) - Grim exhilaration.
[ Poetry ]
I laugh anymore. Sigh.
Gaismeklīšos and blow out
as ghost flames are no longer dull.
And two Klavs standing guard.

As ghost flames are still dull,
but the light is no longer true.

And two Klavs standing guard,
but one - stinguša - yet.

He will come again and krekšķinās,
as rammish goat mekšķinās,

he comes - a chubby, indivisible,
so old and stupid, and insufferable. . .

I laugh anymore. Sigh.

[ Poetry ]
how ordinary we are learning
listened to this speech
(Noble souls drasēja
by asphalt place)
as aircraft squadron
We changed the places we
but could you not look up
and I could not look up

we šaudījāmies in the clouds
with eyes tied up in land:
It spotlights the cut-circle
tied his own spotlight

with eyes tied to land
we as a drowned person šūpojāmies
feet to the clouds

[ Poetry ]
\"Back in the USSR\" *

strong as death is the land
as a slow storm brewing

and every cloud
silver lining

and we live in
the stand in the corner

but better atminēsimies Dante:
the hell is around the edge
there gaudodami falls short of the rings
they are in life
they have their own
they are its sole
they have turned out:
not fried or cooked

of course
yes of course
eternity affected
and the cult of the affected
I do not

but think of yourself
and also you
and many chiefs
Although I think


\"Back in the USSR\" (in English.) - \"Back to the USSR\" - it is a \'Beatles\' song title
[ Poetry ]
main square

O. German

Your walking is closed
Large Esplanade is closed

A place where all the wickedness
usually gather in one place

Have you really thought oh humanity
poet as a pavement so hard?

Do not you folks nemanījāt
area and a record of all suffering?

Hard is your place for walking
ice and letters over the gate bloom
she said, in the name of Chuck:


[ Poetry ]
outside the window is cold
on the table is cold
light wolf cub and a detailed eye

and I handed over the bulb is heated
to stroke
if it receives a

have one buddy
Freezing the
and I neglāstu
stroking himself

[ Poetry ]
lonely on the streets I walked
joy on a beautiful day
trees with frost needles durstījās
Church nozvanīja pusvienu

lonely mother came towards me
with his lone children
mother looked on me
child looked at me as ērmu

sea ​​ice cover was on top of
remained closer to overseas
piles of ice glittering in the sun
give me some front sparkled softly

[ Poetry ]
Time flies away there
As a huge boa

at night
is sleeping on us
and long and skillfully choked

we are aging
but at night

since the day it would be desirable
we\'ll see how it happens

even we
it would be too much

[ Poetry ]
two memory Claus

as thick and impenetrable veil
both of them are wrapped in two

the gentle night is the beyond
a peace of mind for their old bones

the thick veil over her ordeal
or concrete ruins of my hands?

No, let the ruins - only prosper densely
of prewar and pēckardzīvi

[ Poetry ]
narrating anecdotes but I know
just old and raw

shook his head, I guess
what this woman wants
she kept
his soul
cool medallion?

I am leading him to be watered SAMP
Summer Pavilion
I am leading him as a rare beast
I Ratna in the footsteps min
I want them to him, I hope
but she already knows it all

In 1987
[ Poetry ]
CURIOUS Compliment

\"All is well where you do not\"
I want to sing as a
\"I am invisible to roam where ever is
was not me, not you

I flaps palaces and bars where it rains
whiskey, vodka and absinthe
because it is safer: no sorrow to roam
where we have not been both

slide through the deserts and beaches
where the ghost is operated by the moon
I\'ve decided I want to see
distant and strange land

I\'m still in your memories
and have you in my memories
but live and strange form
nelauzies you in my mind
I tend not to wander where we lived
I do not like to return Plavnieki
because who can vouch that there\'s your image
not going to suddenly towards me

women who are so similar to you
but no more you and me
and so am I right where you do not
and you my velīt - where my \"

I sing it while he was still
sucking you want
and will avoid the living
who will look after you

but later I uzmāksies despair
the shadows of deserted
shadow and the shadow is not destined to meet
the pine inappropriate close to the strings

[ Poetry ]
empty a double bar
the movements slow and barring
I ate up flash
stared at
behind the huge window

\"Out into the icy winter
but sauleszaķītis me \"
I thought of the wolf
the room
Frenchmen shepherd

and was so lonely
between the Gallic spirits of dead
As the star
that punches the heart
projāmsteidzīgiem rays

[ Poetry ]
rubs his eyes and look izberztās
(My) - They
and the chain has expanded
paskrienas falls and behind the hummocks
Death Stebera with them
death is a term and iznērsta
[ Poetry ]
Dambis! composition of flood
Dam! the imagination sharp asniņiem
routine ballast Dambis! against terror
which is not hard to imagine
[ Poetry ]
the mountains there in the mountains
really gets hot
Spawning takes place above
and commentator VELIS
Caihan souls sitting
[ Poetry ]

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