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Poems / Poetry

Page : 22
Sleep, small - high in the air
Ziemeļzvaigzne sparkles beautifully,
and the wall aiztipina
away to the nest zirneklītis

He and a small bed,
he also paladziņš,
and the happiness zirneklīšu
all night he dreams of.

[ Poetry ]
pity me sleepless nights
but then again I am coming world
or a little squeeze and nude
gulēšu and wrapped with my will?

and without a mirror look yourself in the eyes of
but do not understand what I see out there
it\'s like watching the world
it\'s like a train rock

ash without any tunes
neizvandītā pile lying

[ Poetry ]
both of us once salut northern lights
and chaise us boating
but for now we are sitting in the gutter
and crows flying over the

gray limousine and we miss
as sniegpulkstenis fly
and by now that we\'re doing now
or aiztiksim in touch

or worse than we think
how stupid can izdarīties
with every moment more diktāk
us with serious concerns raindrops

will have to go there where you can not go
there will be worse, and in the more convenient
but Lukoss - behind us to remain
they honor the doors do not close

[ Poetry ]
and will be the purest pain
blossom cornflower field
and white stone stairs
except we grow to the sky

We just let us go up to the top
only to fall down
and knuckles knaukšķot
I sagrābšu your face

but the emptiness will be in my hands
and lips clothes as groans
through which runs a small agony
and backbone will wait for the gib

the same burden of the past
from which the joy of breaking cleanly
Night clouds with sastums
and will take the both of us warm

[ Poetry ]
pārtapsim when both the dream
from which wakes up with Myrtle
I paklanīšos and say
with a broad smile and male

now you see
how cheap
You can buy a ticket Bring

now works for posterity
and make us return ticket
back to life

If you have not needed
the other descendants will do
then go to smoke haunt
laundry and cook soup

[ Poetry ]
deeper into the well of life
look it as a drop falls
increasingly difficult to venerate
increasingly difficult to smile

increasingly difficult to make friends
more difficult to heal guilt
deeper into the well of life

more difficult to hate someone
[ Poetry ]
old sun is shining brightly
then it will be ziemeļbērniem
yet in light, but protects
who are already walking around nude

up to the neck with a bright light
Africa with nothing to eat
Shine, shine old sun laisma
you already have and we

old sun is shining brightly
evaporation of this black tūces
Come with us in this parish
You do not lacked admirers

your fans bones
hundreds of years of steep pile
and we ask that you the sun
Shine, shine for you and us grown

old sun is shining brightly
then it will be ziemeļbērniem
yet in light, but protects
who are already walking around nude
[ Poetry ]
sunset reflections at a depth stīdza
When you pop up on top of huge fish
And invited the man up
In the depths of the castle was grimusī

she listened to those who have enormous fish
no longer a life
so long no longer lives
[ Poetry ]
MADE parquet faint echo of moonlight falls softly GEH GEH zum zum Teufel Teufel GEH zum Teufel * girl. Made to go through the mansion gate collapse and tip of the heart come wooded lake - there is no edge to speak of Madi. The Lord has done what we\'re doing to do each lord Made in Made in Made in Made in 1983 GEH zum Teufel (German lang.) - Go to hell.
[ Poetry ]
Utah-as greasy as Kuprava clay
covered my way to you, to you
go to cast a male salt
scars with you as self-

village councils keep you safe
my heart between documents
how can it for me?
like me to remove it but neapraudāties?

I thought you. Of course.
Village Board also has the right
but who can vouch that never safes
deposited in the heart of living?

aesthetes me laugh. To laugh.
go tvarstīdams future face
Reku already captured one\'s face -
poetry as a \"paper\" and \"paper\" as poetry

[ Poetry ]

First Go behind the mountain of milk
and children to wash feet.

The second Kājot a grassy path,
miegties against the setting sun.

The third Login sētsvidū, pet dog,
talk with his mistress, to feel

belong and fit in
something me and kindness alone.

The fourth Fill up the gap with the sun\'s rays,
with a cat on a woodpile,

with piles of hay, with flowers, the meadows,
gently lift the foot.

The fifth Trepan corners of the mouth smile.

The sixth Way back into the air to throw the children,
that atskrējuši to meet you.

Wash children\'s feet
and show pictures of the book.

The seventh At night the list of destroyed
and watch the black crack
[ Poetry ]
I like this gaišvēderainās nights
to fly as fast as a pleasure
not time black people come up to you
once again one of the sunrise
[ Poetry ]

we are happy tend to fluctuate in the countryside
silence with open arms

silence over the shoulder
watch the fresh air

fierce attack for a long time
kvēpainā soul bends

just like a skunk who
put on catcher bag

[ Poetry ]

Kliģēnos again, where apple trees
glaužas to one another,
Kliģēnos again where neighbors cow
through the lilac bushes break,
Minaj, fertilizers and apples in Ireland.

Kliģēnos again, where the pods
full of peas and beans
Kliģēnos again, where Ted
floor to weed čupām,
where you are looking to midnight

rhymes tousled Poets
word which rhymes nevaid,
Kliģēnos again, where Midsummer
iraid sad glee,
where neighbors crowns Vij

and meet, and St. John\'s hefty,
cups and the way we are happy,
and feverfew in hand
passing across the road
or she had at all?
(Kliģēnos, Midsummer. And had.)

Kliģēnos again - and not the result of a dream
not even because of air and milk,
Kliģēnos again - because of sight,
Latvian, summer days,
Nights in the wreath Vij.

[ Poetry ]

Sun standing on a rock
and staring wide-eyed.
Everything has just begun,
even the villains yet.

Land melts and gently
leaching into cracks;
all kūkp fate.
(Nē. bright stars dim.)

Immediately begin the history of
Will be the villains in abundance.
Sun is stationary,
and the earth is burning
the beam as wool.

The sun, when you all
somewhere away dzīsi,
I do not touch anything -

brēkājušu dust.

[ Poetry ]

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