big fire
First Teenager
Only fire, I do not see anymore, that burns.
Too late atskrējis
World\'s I have.
Me for. I can already enjoy the view.
People with buckets can not tell me what to delete.
big fire
First Greybeard
Only fire, I do not recall that burns.
Another whirlwind and flame me on the neck.
Yet the chevrons jāiešvirkstas in my eyes.
Another Doomsday again I must pass.
big fire
The third Speaker
Members, what there was,
now we will be building from the flames
because, first, can not have desires,
secondly, degdams will not burn, third,
fire all kinds of runs, so
term use are obvious moments may be
the fact that there used to be, -
God knows that, but noble form.
I pacīnīšos some other good
but himself will decide how much to take club
even though my advisors Pauri beak
I pacīnīšos some other good
I just nelūrēšu navel
some of these tips I often want to vomit
I pacīnīšos some other good
but himself will decide how much to take club
Someone distract me, I nosviedīšu
land of the vase. But pretty well
It could happen - where to put velim
wash Pipenu leaves. The dark
can not see the scratches,
by which the vase decorated with a child.
Upon leaving the child to Veli
the current burst
Towards the pain the pain
zibsnījis is a strange flower.
All the common meadow, I slowly bitten teeth.
soon there will be buds
prepared the dude
and will not pass
the ball is dead
and going to bed
your fellow citizens
to laugh
the ball is dead
and buried
and the last kiss
I slept you
car door
appear sinister
the button molder
car door
appears in a dream
appears on the fate of
mouthy and lecīgs
the ball is dead
Winter has passed through
soon there will be buds
prepared the dude
uninhabited house
Dust strange dance
and dead light kiss
on my thoughtful face
uninhabited house
old newspapers čauksti
and pots at the kitchen beams
black and finally cold
uninhabited house
cool and sad space
and expectations of steam on the window
from my fragile breath
uninhabited house
neaizkritušie eyelids
still living garden
outside the window -
and strong greens
uninhabited house
Dust strange dance
and dead light kiss
on my thoughtful face
she walked along the edge of the sea
and her steps
in the sky
beautiful slide
and almost naked
and her steps
in the sky
stindzinošajā morning vault
gently playing in the wind spirit
the only person
who has seen him
Is there any stray
she walked along the edge of the sea
she walked along the edge of heaven
you have already tried
she aches
now you you follow her
from the depths
her steps are in the sky
your steps are in the sky
young men unknown girls
quietly with them gaist
nokritīsim on the road
this time
when the sea and sky
are no longer
she walked along the edge of the sea
and her steps
in the sky
her hair and her lips
and her pats
in the sky
how innocent and pure is the air
a warm midsummer night
each bush is the devil
but as I pelavmaiss
there is always someone who nesajēdz
is someone who sees the dark
the sod that covers over
and Jani M. Jansons
and therefore I look drūvīgs
something līgojas heart sounds and
as always jāiedomā and
for them to get an
is a gloomy remain
and this is how I\'ll feel a
and girls sing ziediet
and boys who can dvest
not me, it is difficult than
Day and can not do without it
if you like it or all of this
may resent late
journalism relapse
where the greenish twilight swimming fish
sit at a strange tact
quietly rocked two drowned person
plus a decline of female nude
The first had had a second Bearslayer Black
God is with them they can do
but jane deserve condemnation
It was Spidola soul spirit -
of the spine instead of the fatty streak
how quickly removed from the obedient hand
and listen to music, and enjoy good poetry
and to find time for a decent jokes
nejokot and why?
or a bit of joy in life?
We have a neat person, every place
sharp pencil and pitfalls of rock
Assistant is a secure safe case
verse that will not reach the recipient\'s
Watch and envied how cool I
vecim not anyone else
room with five walls
so I wired my days
a room with five walls
yes at my fifth wall
no bad Paintings
radiates a warm sweet distant
five expensive originals
one single Gauguin to Picasso
Two Delle one Rousseau
vecim not anyone else
room with five walls
not at my fifth wall
no bad books
stands high on the wall shelves
nice thick leather cover
even at my fifth wall
there are no bad days
standing on the wall funny life
the sea-winds blowing
served on all five walls
those who are themselves standing on the wall
either modern life
unsympathetic face
fuss and cheap entertainment
seamlessly pass time
roasts are falling from the air
do not breath and the wheels turning
this time has automatic doors
no one that they can not press
has never been so easy
real-life train fall
but I do not want a quick behind the windows
again you can change everything
it is not saving
but more genuine confusion
we never have the same time
look back on us
from time to time I remember a party
where I was
the village of pop melody played
Time was that summer sunny
and if the rain had rained warm
beneath our feet lone and scrawny
shook suspended bridge
and brook still empty boat rocked gloomy Harona
hay smell of dove flew
and introduced m Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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