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Poems / Poetry

Page : 18
it as a bit of trash stinks
it hears playing in the poems

how unhappy they are all adhering
this cards to the servants\' literature

[ Poetry ]
under the snow

Number has faded,
height still strong as tendon,
but the pain is uncontrollable
under the snow.

Cut the bread, but piekož present
all of the guards threw.
How much memory is indelible
under the snow.

The suit is to iron,
scar is bright as a groove,
but not in those years
not god.

Face saviebjas smile,
throat iedrebas laughter,
but what of bitten people sleeping

[ Poetry ]
Below the surface, there ērmojas horns,
flying kazragi, Staburags,

Valdis and modern with a pick
pulled out zivteli tough.

Walk in the clouds above the Daugava,
and shame is the watch face.

NIB car horns and hooves,
flying elektrostabi and Staburags.

[ Poetry ]
you dear me hell anywhere
I will not go anywhere else
I laidīšu straight to Mecca
as a genuine people to Mecca

Mecca, there is pretty cool
there are all Flame Retardant

I go around the corner here where
stop and stood there with
there buses to Mecca
Reku one comes with re-

but Yasser * raises stroke where there
I\'m talking about Black Mecca
I am already far regions where
the fathers
no way to Mecca

[ Poetry ]

Under the nobrukušām sand?
There\'s nothing of my own.

Among them mākoņaitām silly?
Also, there is not my own.

But here, in the middle of a baby vecim?
More than from my own.
[ Poetry ]
myself my son finds
I hope
but he himself will look
I know
then maybe someone else will look
I believe
something that was already
I hope
[ Poetry ]
iemetīšu point in the sky -

And I am no bird will miss.

In so far we shone
one\'s life.

And I know that he is
was thought to make.

[ Poetry ]

when your Eared beginning there
I atlidošu to you

the division of the leaves from the trees
when the grass will die quietly

when the nights become endless
and the day will be bleak

a life of pain, cry
when there will be no scruple of money

by eight kustoņus buy
when expectations puddles moments

together we will Eared
I atlidošu to you

[ Poetry ]
here pulito city center
the center ugunsrijēju

how petrified I -
(One of the trio -
Imagination, Madness and I)
look at the eager throat

Reversed Prometheus
reduced klopster

your so stupid jokes
that unwittingly bothering cry

and besides you can die out
Reversed Prometheus

[ Poetry ]

cockroaches Orchestra
cruise missile Dzervitis

saplaks Riga as empty
these pekstiņus not know yet

Blessed are those iraid sawyer oath
they belong to the realm of the future

under one roof I have the honor to live
the civilization of the next

[ Poetry ]
radiation in your face
came from the false guna
the window under the apple tree branches
Kuna began to howl

oh good intentions bright
you\'re sadly short
late Kuna howl
starry sky

[ Poetry ]

if the world will be left
only one wolf
if a cross between the wolf
with different species

coming out all the
not only wolves

Romans will not forgive us

I would not
tease Romans

dragged the present

it suffers
from total
Weapons and ammunition
lack of


under normal conditions
live for more than a wolf

but it can happen
the wolf
have not yet had time to

[ Poetry ]
there where trains lodā
where they are icy night drags
the green and dirty earthworms
where klabinādamās crawling

rail at the edge of a dream
hung swinging in the wind
finally frozen solid
that people can kill
to either avoid it
pasauksim Santa Claus
to bring a long and
refrigerated storage

[ Poetry ]

Although the dead man did not listen to nobody,
This dragged balsteli details:
I cry, but you nedzirdējāt,
And nevicinājos, but slicks.

Yes, he liked āvīties,
But now both dead.
Water had to be cold and stopped heart -
So they said.

Oh no, no, no, no colder than would otherwise
(This lying in his wolf).

[ Poetry ]

Tonight is not fog, I watched the beacons
paper we are slaves to know how well it
help - just in case -
any ship or creature
go to the port or take a life
freedom to go jump to their death

clenched hands or stand on the balcony

[ Poetry ]

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