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Poems / Poetry

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with suction cups - čmok and čmok -
one hill to go straight

the cares and nerausta
what is happening in our parish

He is walking (axis), he is walking (the Beast)
armed with suction cups

he goes to the princess sought-after
with all the gum pockets

where the hell my stone Ciris?

Gentlemen - my century is dead

[ Poetry ]
guards the skin from childhood
Guards of honor of the skin as a virgin
your skin is the Latvian Fatherland
guards it closely and negāz pots

Tupi and Hold on and do not pass where they do not
Wash lies and fear as milk
the habits of our ancient
protects the skin from childhood

[ Poetry ]
are looking wilted flower
that once threw Aspazija

Just look at the old Raina bearings
Often vijušies about useless knob

you can view the slow temporal
Number of years in our crown of roses

look at it as something to remember
iekliedzamies something only when we die

Just look at the old-old pine
you\'re the only one that still falls
you have the pleasure to say a word
to keep themselves in many Stormbreaker

because there may already be: everyone we have a detailed
but every word is a huge infinity

[ Poetry ]
fashion names
fashion it
physiognomy to shine
green and gray

to bite in the air
angry drones
fall down on me
[ Poetry ]
watered a fight in the yard - visdobjākos būkšķus,
visjēlākās roles that people are able to create - blind, chairs pushed, threw himself at the piano.
With a nervous motion wipe off the old tear stalagmites, who flourished - like termites Dens - the worn keys, blind man sank. It seemed like he was not founding coax sound from the black instrument, which has already melted in places - and string streams ran through the parquet directly to the underground gods.
But in the yard including already went crazy - the muzzle was resorted to bashing women and children. What, more fools in the legs to get up, have swung over the edge of the trolley threatening tool, from which came the fatal beam.
Juvenile hooligans would be held atomsprādziens
could also end up disappointing - if fighters were not already immune to everything.
And by our blind man, who needed all iemūži-
ing immortal, with one finger on the molten network-
vierēm klimperējamā symphony? He sat sakucis.
From the clouds, which for some time gathered at the room ceiling started to drip. And dribble and dribble and aumaļām tumble and drop the keys gathered there tune.
Yes, a blind musician shelter home, where age
saturated air.

[ Poetry ]
behold Doomsday Sun wants rietēt
here\'s horizon as pieriet full of people dreams
the udder

with a bucket bar stools
aizklumburē death
sea ​​surface as the Son of God viņlaik
the udder -
sārtojas still afloat
This ļumīgā and izpļaukātā face

either starts to milk

Black falls towards her dream
then starts baltoties - start children\'s dreams come

and the god of the car wants to turn off the udder
as arbitrary obscenity taps

death by nails Greek foolish confusing
and as crazy as the udder milked

behold the face of the doomsday sun
where burnt countenance merged together
as fotorobots god dūzenē
before the Court

and behold the sun as long udder
drink death
fat will
from the sidelines will feel - this is a hard walk

and is already well
itself forth and kill herself miljardreižu

[ Poetry ]
I know that this year we will not disclose a new India, cranes fly to one side so there is a hook, and I know that gray is gray I know that white is white, I know that the Latvian autumn is rainy but spring is frosty cranes flying to one side and so there is a lifting hooks but it nelidojam why we are we are we are in 1985
[ Poetry ]
crowd and winds
Kalinin Prospect
Moscow\'s artificial jaw

Here you can smile and purses nospert
from you for a moment deviate
Not the devil

feet off the asphalt cling
and false teeth sticking into the sky
you stopped

It occurs to me
to fly in the clouds poly Armani

The mouth is a MUST that the concrete
All of the pre-assembled,
WE Making

(Articles by non-stop dzejiņas
effects of such architecture!)

Square slick FREIGHT cutlet
Tastier than Love and fate

But the girl (the same!)
comes back
constructive atdabū nosperto smile
I watched him
and the Prospectus in the middle
not expect

[ Poetry ]

MEMORIAL Minas think dancing
Jacqueline bar with dancing Frenchman

vibrated Dream & twitched pajacs
had unrealistic image = the way we like it

nogārdzās Space & šķielēja raven
gentle souls of the fat dripped

* nothing is real & what is not there to challenge
bar by the Frenchman danced Jacqueline

[ Poetry ]

bursting bubbles in puddles
with a quiet popping sound
I am a magic coat
be purchased for certain fatty
through the streets laipoju
I asariņas pouring
this poisonous rain
around people dying

weave gray morning
my teeth a bit klab
and lietutiņš
by tree leaves cab
and the leaves are falling
although spring
this poisonous rain
then there\'s what can be done

driven rain āmurīši
grass back
One woodpecker nojūdzies
and karogkātu striking
either puddles back
dzīvībiņa can sneak
this poisonous rain
burbuļgalvas rupture

I nesastapšu children
never quite
they will not be born
no never
and a daughter
then suddenly I see the rain
and his coat
on her shoulders to bear
but it is a mailbox
I do not see so well anymore
this poisonous rain
we were both fading

[ Poetry ]
Smile is the old, old-old.
Sometimes I also smile:
re, which brings me to mailwoman
an unwritten letter.

Imagine aploksnīti,
inside page - clean, neatly
(Letters screaming.)
Let them scream, which prevents them from -
an unwritten letter.
Nerakstāmas letters.

In other paskastītēs throw,
will pay the!
(Letters - scream!)

Smile is the old, old-old,
I smile sometimes wrong.

[ Poetry ]

frustratingly slow tīstāmies
and vīstāmies
and a handful of beating-
but still no
not fallen
Wow defense battles

Spring comes slowly
our climate
(As available)
we as a flower during autumn
delicious nuts sluggish skins
Spring and autumn we
smarter and smarter
the soul is not free
izbļaut -
pain, nekārdi-
ni - ni

[ Poetry ]
\"never get it neskatīsies\"

ukst a former flower child

\"When you behave in it again
frame slodzītais freak \"

by betonšūnām us to go
portmonejā cab cabbage
come ober stride
and middle-aged plēguri Kirk
\"But never get it neskatīsies\"

Is it true
the cabbage leaves
between green Pentecostal
never found a baby

she scalpel flower child
nešķērd this trembling flesh

\"But you never again\"

I know
is burned and hurt

may be that by the neck in floor
but grimace saviebtu mouth
YOU having a hard time with piegāzt jerked

[ Poetry ]

I\'ve heard that there is a group Yello
I\'ve heard that the dandelion is a yellow
how much is the sun muzičkas protect tētīt
rotten is that young people do not believe in
Grandfather built the nest to winnow grain
and old girls every night fucking landlord
oh my school bread pretty snug
but does not take up as villainies mind
the soft music of the fathers and mothers
the marshes lying and not yet written
may be that the powerful can be the fucking
and probably it is not the new wave
which is now our full Pauri
(Loss of sand wave of voices slowly breaks
and other muzička flow of new recruits)
I might also like to group Yello
and likes girls who heads a yellow
but I worked at night as a golliwog
and also the reviews that take place all around me
I do not Maga and TV boxes are not
I listen to stories, jokes ei small clause
Is it true that you expect to nelon?
Is it true that there is a group Yello?

[ Poetry ]
There are medications that are not even in the big celestial treasurer. - And are the nails, which pull the tear Salaj sticks. There is a medicine. There should be, and no bones have been drinking the Nava. - I also sometimes Kerui at heart, but the tablets should be resorted. There pressed dreams, feelings of girls - thin as sklandiņas, and sweet thoughts, what they think someone who flies on a first date, and bitter sob, pushed by someone - just seemed happy plandījies, and young girls desk, where one again vandījies and midsummer nights, and the ballroom, where diets and bridal nurses face, and the first kustībiņa below the heart. - And the most beautiful Latvian poetry. And are the jokes, which krauj both arms to his brother and friends. - And are the nails, which pull the tear Salaj sticks. 1986
[ Poetry ]

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