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Poems / Poetry

Page : 16
EU produces poetic substance
with which you can stick a
Near the rocket shaft
General on the couches
threatening words in your mouth
and the submarine to flounder
[ Poetry ]
What do you write on the chest,
Day? A moment ago was born,
You\'re in front of me?

Oh, your days will be long-lived,
you only date, if the
You shot happen more
Who made you remember?
Blushing barrels?

I will write to you \"hope\"
on the chest. It makes no sense moans
to spend ahead of time.

It makes no sense not raise -
the hands of children - the day
does not make sense neskūpstīt
This dazzling snow
the fallen
between people
for some time.

(From the sky where the unfortunate sister.)
[ Poetry ]
of meadows leading to the huge cemetery gates
that one is never quite closed
You can toil as you like
not fathom that there\'s going
out there walking around as a huge apartment
dusk light greenish fir
land of the dead neatbrīvosi
do not spend your girlie daiļrunu
in this world means more
round your knees
nelipini on the lips raisins
listening late
[ Poetry ]
above the sea,
tavern above the sky
We drank Ski
līdzatnestu wine.

Night all offloaded as severe wife.
It became colder.

The deceased strangers crammed into the air
we slowly spun cheats scissors.

Above the sea,
which shone the crescent,
Hooked sword pricked
each of our slices.

\"Can breathe water
and stroke round oli,
and forget
Turks what we did? \"

spinning, and so on, a voice.

Above the sea,
tavern under the open sky
We drank Ski
līdzatnestu wine.
[ Poetry ]

And old men jump plānvidū
and dancing,
squatting and fly,
mētādami feet, -
by the pope,
floor boards and moans -

\'Let me go, Fat Life,

Top of the page only,
the vaults of the truth -
what failed, how terribly
sorry for her, -
but you nesabrūc collapse,
you stay -
knows girls,
suspects of their little son.

On snow Velten,
every step was a shrill čīkst,
but do not force anyone nepasacīts tenderness,
but does not stop someone neizdzerams alcohol -
no, guys, forget
our times.
[ Poetry ]
Venta behind the wave of the woods, crying clouds fly.

But you come to the open grave and vervelē,
arm received. Do not be known for a scene?
Your word is a nasty tear gas, in addition,
over a long period of use. Better
would be immediately created its own brownish tongue.
Maybe someone start to cry. For example, I do.

Do you know the old foolish man - to find the right
means the same voice every time die.

Old trees all around, close to the sea.
Kurzeme end. Nebruk Gaudens mouth.

Feel the storm through the spruce roots miegties,
afraid of lightning, and play with the kick.
Finding the right voice, almost in the same die.
[ Poetry ]

Dead sailors

brackish all
sand is light as air
I feel tonight - the seagull
nenolaidīsies longer

Juniper embodies all
death and izsamisu
pines in lifts wings
but all the brackish

švīkstēdams and beach sand
aizlodā seaman VELIS
the sun hanging over the water
as the heart or as a raw knee
[ Poetry ]

All twine, which jānovīst.
Piesegsim all that is left,
the fall has not yet been aizticis.

Autumn will go,
Autumn will go, and your bitch
and your bitch
sounds like money.

All rain agreement that will have to rain.

Site closes her eyes and falls.

Heal all who do not heal.
[ Poetry ]

lied that the maple leaves
it will no longer be required
gvelza violin that she
need longer strings
muldēja death that death
nevajadzēšot no scythe
people said the tram
that they would like to get off

Why the autumn had a maple
page still needed
Jew who had died and
violin has the strings
death had needles and balls
and a small suvenīrizkapts
we had thought of which
still can not get off

we were thinking about you
You kompostrē our tongues
but out of all looked
After losing doubles
we pīpējām teeth were
\"Astra\" every one of us
cheeks tears flowed
as melted ice cream

you will be our violin
your hair will have strings
we will pay you to pages
the maple do not need
play for you today
uznākusi we drive
hearts so full of you
as savings books

here\'s a serenade
sounded in the autumn
streetcar traveled through the vortex sheet
Since the ship through the water
tried to watch and went
either as long as the ability to
but the tears fell behind the windows
and watches sarūsēja

Jew had died but quietly
still shone violin strings
played in the autumn light
meldijas immortal
but I wanted something new
if you would like to get off death
from the tram, I pushed it easy
and get šņāpienu thigh

oh negrūsties young man
I\'ve been thinking
and sildīšu you in your grief
with their sweet breath
Here you see him
alert is an old huntress
with automatic Verk
of human stupidity shoulder

autumn without end and edge
and on slippery tram tracks
sore insomnia windows
carriageway and the maps we own
when there would no longer power
dinosaur wagon wolf
Again, we revolves around the corner
scythe of stones cries
[ Poetry ]
Summer is back
Christ\'s tears
running around in the meadows
vākdamas honey *
and a spoon with your mind
I ate the sky
they are not beautiful heavenly spheres
they are mixed pagan
poetic honey, I\'m drunk
seen in a dream thighs
Summer is back
god tears
honey collected
do not be surprised farmer takes a spoon in hand
and their lives begin to judge
even if the barrel
you\'ve grown
through a slot in the sky with you
will enter into
you start to cry
summer high
cheeks you rain
[ Poetry ]

The nation is not the gun
nation of the castle - built and numeracy;
seems to have everything
you have to know.
Your stone is large.
(Long time no major necilā god.)
Think where going to put a.
Else you will not make it.
Think that will stand. (From you - nothing.)
Have a great face, but the wall so low.
The nation is not the gun, the nation is the castle.
So what is a gun - shoot and everything.
[ Poetry ]
So long as they have love,
how do you, Daugaviņa, brings.
There are already many other rivers
the wider world.

Wide and - well yes, of course -
often so dense nowhere:
soul on top of walking,
punctured sword standing upright.
[ Poetry ]

Stones away from rest. (Summer morning.)
And dream of the land falls waist.

Slowly eternity push over foreheads,
Dew on the spiders moving laterally.

Or you want to live, anyway, yet.
Digested and lay down the pavement in urban or built.

Wise and the construction of works are doing.
Brook, flattened hand.

Confusion and die without experiencing many.
Pile up stones again.

Slowly eternity stumble over the stones.
Winds walk. Stones crumbles.

Hell is the winds, the sacred - black
And the meteorite is their devil.

Stone souls must reach
Among the Earth, where they melt.

Edged, but slow rock cries.
Look, where he was dead - a gulp.

Stone age to listen to the words,
Century sentence. Breaking bar hurts your ears.

Stone beau mocīsies snag,
Groves in the flesh of the universe in a mortar

But the pavement in the city\'s breasts is a deck -
These are the stones cilātāji.
[ Poetry ]

bitter is not only Analgin
but the life you know
not hare nesteigsimies

dew spider webs
that is my fate know
but do not care notraukt
[ Poetry ]
the streets quiet morning walk
and drags him to the shadows
and a dark corner scream pale
there happens something felonious

the light from the darkness knives dripping
and pieskrien rumaks dzeltenzils
and a man with a star on the forehead
pulls morning columbine except kidney

long beds shadow hooligans
sinking into the mist of the city that the clan
Morning drive ambulance
and light rain through cracks

this car steering wheel in white
your hands are your fists
only the stupid believe dieth mornings
and as more die
As with all other

click your tongue in the floor Warbler fuck
and feet turning Brazos
You morning leads you all may now
He is so bright and mortal mortal

[ Poetry ]

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