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Poems / Poetry

Page : 15
This is only a noklīdies beam.
Cries like a puppy, so now he cries there!
What to keep it, can withstand?
Soon the dead ants away the wolf.

He has not provided you understand, do not.
Other beams, re, heartburn, even cows.
Well, but is beating its own radiation,
His whole different light takes place.

This is only a pieklīdis beam.
What the boss - this spring?
[ Poetry ]

Tērcīte that I have you,
Tērcīte unspent. . .
Piegursti to play Pull the load?
Do not need it, do not need it. . .

Tērcīte, life, innate,
Mazupe asinsprastā.
To further this boatman drink your beer
Counter izrāmītajā coast.
[ Poetry ]

Vol akmeņograudus sower,
And blocks are already sprouting,
Daudzstāvīgām over the ears
Dzīs red moon hooked
With a rustic face.

Yet already he can walk
Through narrow passages sky,
Where the asphalt is poured,
But satellites are fucking
As a huge swarm of bees
(We izteiksimies neatly).

When the moon over adversity
With rustic face,
Is he indifferent
It\'s all the faces we here?
[ Poetry ]

KEP wall, and wall thickness,
Flower Drops neierit.
Riga - a double-edged sword,
What I shall not beat us?

Riga - bread chaffy,
Centuries cepiems tough
Where the stone flower gain
And we have the mind and stomach growls?

Riga this. Riga a,
Riga has the thick skin,
Nesarkst new construction as the Dome. . .
Riga - our role in the catch

Brings in dižmutik and foolish man
These ziemeļkrastos towed,
Mirror, where ņirdz and laughs
So long as we are \'powers Face,

And you neiejūties role -
Whack a mirror with a pole!
[ Poetry ]

Well, just place it to Wall
Used to exfoliate the despite everything!
Well, just place it to the
Pink jāņuguns gas stove.

For all the stones in fat
Once cauršalko birch and grass!
Mix together the fields of urban -
One porridge! I can not longer.

Okay, okay. I am cooking the porridge
Would become cooks or, rather, to cook.
I take the city - the city put either -
I have porridge pavārgs machine.

I take the fields and in the sketch -
How beautiful everything is bubbling now!
But soon, these bubbles become less frequent,
Vērtušies fast and small tubers. . .

I knew how to boil soap frequently
Vārījis I have a lot of manure,
Well as Soldiers Soldiers for close:
To anyone else on this confusing mess,
As long as the mind does not confuse me. . .
[ Poetry ]
frame put your hands I -
Mūrainas and ķieģeļainas,
Boulevards and round bends
Since snakes scrawled on the door,

Broken off a mouthful of flesh
As bee ziedskrējēja,
Since I am slowly becoming a leaner,
Similar to the rocky wind

So I - rocky and mūrains -
I can somewhat Assistance Office -
Lame klabu, steering wheel,
Ķieģeļnīcas such as bears,

While my nenogrābsi
The idea of ​​a large rooster\'s beak.
[ Poetry ]

I, of course, nelēcu well.
once and
I wanted to throw it
as a dead dog
but at the right time
found a decent property,
instead of the ad interim

None of the free mind
not AKACIS Lidia.
AKACIS dwelleth mermaids,
but sullen swamp devil.
But well
characteristics do not require any -
not only civil servants,
but even the classics of poetry signed.
So will it be the well.

If not from above,
then try from the side.
performed in moles meistarkandidāta rule
to - well struck twist.
Again, nothing.

Curbs are, of course, form - and only
but then, how much memory,
I was
entangled in a snare formalist
and so
wells with ax
neskrāpēju all

As was only to come
back light.

And yet -
as well -
on stars and skaidrūdens be?

I took a spade (no store bought and blunt
Whereas my previous efforts,
but from what cunftīga ditcher

And slowly
dug his own wells,
iztaigājis the
throughout the depth.

At first, it had
vin me sweat,
later in the water,
later in the stars,
finally for the traveler
asked nodzerties. . .
[ Poetry ]
one already on your spear pork shashlik clips
another, a shield plowed slowly plump rye grains
and go around with a pile of
sleeping in our karadraudze

here\'s the shirt once firmīgo against chainmail body interaction
this cards žmeks trumpet in hand - we had winder
times are changing as we know
offers a secular scenes

Therefore what you men do uzaustošs sad young man survey into
this is the battle for skunsti once is to fall in this struggle,
most virulent of each arrow
once the marriage turns into a bed

not, however, a few frames in an upright vēzējam see Ava
only battlefield they once greeted the death of
not dissolve the spirit
in the eternal war
[ Poetry ]
across the Daugava River is a house,
At the house once had a tenant.
How many nights and I sang
(Maybe in my dreams) there īros!

Now rent or lease its shores.
My boat at the sill screen.
Paddle spoons directed, and bigulī - suit
Since the tenant is no longer their own place.

[ Poetry ]

from the August sun furious
All Latvia dries
tune over the air
izlocīdamās flow

blind there your joys
horseflies and wind to the horse
and tail - a violin bow
autumns game market

by which more jānodzīvo
it is not so easy than
but drought and expectations of your
not guilty to the

horse in question with its tail
everything is already mature
August lejerkasti
you would go slowly and solemnly
[ Poetry ]

I\'ll take you up on
the garden where time has stopped
where some strange smell the flowers
runs but does not spread

by Tiny izpletnīšiem
Here lands raindrops

time is it in the tall grass
time to spruce Vāczemes

and what else I can say

by Tiny izpletnīšiem
Here lands raindrops

there may well izdzīvoties
plants under pulksteņēdājiem -----
[ Poetry ]
Is there death on the sea shore
Dance on the rocks?
What\'s so strange after all
sparkle to the stones?
[ Poetry ]

\"Fresh dry winds rustles pine,
the pines I have ever owned.

And smooth fit in the landscape
this river, which used to belong to me.

And the proud home to me will be opened,
because, you know, they also belong to me.

And I gulēšu drunk in bars,
all the vodka I will own one.

And the winds of the sea liederēs,
I also listen to and own.

Give with gold will weigh scales.
Guess who it belongs to.

I own the whole world
after the ball, if only I\'ll be alive. \"
[ Poetry ]

pusaizgruvušā of smiles
lack of hair on the head every
and sliver eye moisture
as a burst water main

can expect that meadowsweet
again and again the same
behind the trenches zigzag smile
standing of fallen teen wire

I do not think that punks
stay alive in the tanks
again fuck meadows
hold me by the word
every life is precious
as night woman\'s arms
[ Poetry ]
zigzag trench behind the smile
see a fallen teen wire
but the squirrel running around Pazar
of electricity through wires

of missile equipment remote controls
shining eyes sad teen
kids glow in the abstract - dad
This trench viņdienās rational

shines children who could be born
boys chase us away from war
the Führer sent to die
somewhere in hell Bobruisk

and teenage boys had to fall
to fall a sadistic gang
but the days of autumn mushrooms
from the bottom of the trench Vanda

of missile equipment remote controls
shining eyes sad teen
of missile equipment remote controls
shining eyes sad teen
[ Poetry ]

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